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  Mari and Joel Barrera are your quintessential do-gooders. They both work in the public sector, volunteer at a soup kitchen and even picked their church because it was most committed to community service. They also say it’s a priority to raise their kids to be caring and contributing. Joel Barrera: Talk about your service project, Mila. Mila Barrera:Oh, so I’m going to El Salvador this summer.
  If she had to say whether her parents cared more about her being good or successful, 15-yearold Mila says it’d be close, but she’d say good. Her 13-year-old brother, James, doesn’t hesitate. Jams Barrera: Successful.
  How does he know? ’Cause that’s what his folks reward him for and nag him about most. Jams: Most of the pressure is on the school side.
  For example, his parents let him quit the soup kitchen ’cause he didn’t like it, but he gets no such pass on school work. Mila says she got dinner out when she got a B instead of a C, and grown-ups always light up when kids get into a great school instead of a good one.
  Mila: It’s like parents always say, like, it doesn’t matter. But it does matter. And that’s how you grow up—kind of like, oh, like, Harvard. And, like, I mean they want me to be successful.
  Mila and James are typical of the more than 10,000 middle and high school students around the nation surveyed by a Harvard researcher. Eighty percent say their parents care more that they’re high achieving and happy than caring and good, even though for years parents have been telling researchers the opposite.
  Harvard researcher Rick Weissbourd says parents don’t realize how their everyday small acts speak louder than their words.
  Rick Weissbourd: It’s, you know, letting kids fudge about their community service in college applications, or it’s not requiring kids to reach out to a friendless kid on the playground. I don’t think most parents are aware that these quiet day-to-day messages are, in many cases, drowning out other messages about caring and integrity and fairness.
  Weissbourd’s study does not suggest any decline in kids’ morality. Indeed, Marvin Berkowitz, professor of character education at University of Missouri at St. Louis, doubts that’s the case.
  Marvin Berkowitz: There are quotes going back at least three or four thousand years in which adults lament that today’s youth are the worst, morally, ever.
  But still, Berkowitz says, it is troubling that for so many kids achievement trumps morality.   Berkowitz: There’s a great quote from Teddy Roosevelt in which he said “to educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.”
  So-called character education is trendy in schools these days. Jesse Tang is principal of Central Queens Academy, a public middle school in New York focused on character and community, where students are recognized for things like kindness and teamwork—not just for straight A’s. But Tang’s students who took part in the survey answered the same as the rest—that achievement is most important to their parents and their teachers.
  Jesse Tang: It was eye-opening to see that achievement and kindness were so far apart. And so I think in terms of what our school is trying to do to buck certain mindsets or ways of thinking, certainly—we are kind of working against a lot of those influences.
  Especially from colleges who may say they value community service. But, Tang says, kids know what really counts. Christoph Guttentag, dean of admissions at Duke University, says it only makes sense that academic institutions care most about grades. And anyway he says it’s hard to judge a kid’s kindness from an application. But, Guttentag says, colleges could do a little more to incentivize good character.
  Christoph Guttentag: We have work to do in how we talk about what we value and making decisions consistent with what we say. It can have an impact on what students do but maybe not as much as we think.
  Harvard’s Rick Weissbourd agrees. Ultimately it comes down to parents walking the walk and not just talking the talk. A hard thing to do, even for the most committed do-gooders like Mari and Joel Barrera.
  Joel: Our main job as parents is to launch them into the world. And it’s very hard even to stay middle-class. You know, I just want her to be able to make her own way in the world.
  The good news, Weissbourd says, is that teaching kids to be more mindful of others will also make them better collaborators at work. So besides being the right thing to do, he says, that might end up making kids more successful as well.
  例如,他不喜欢流动厨房,父母就允许他不去,但在学业方面就不可能有这种待遇了。米拉说她拿到B而不是C的时候,父母会带她出去吃大餐;当孩子们考进一所优秀的学校而不仅仅只是好学校时,大人们总是喜出望外。   米拉:就好像是,父母总说没关系,但其实关系可大了。那就是你成长的环境——有点像,噢,哈佛。我的意思是,他们希望我能出人头地。
I will never forget the last time I saw you. Maybe because I always hated going for car rides, and that day you left me at the shelter. At first I thought we were headed to the dreaded vet—who I hadn’
In the years around 480 B.C., China was in the last phase of the Spring and Autumn Period. Fu Chai, King of the State of Wu, conquered the states of Yue, Lu and Chi one after another. Then Fu Chai, ov
《万物理论》是根据斯蒂芬·霍金第一任妻子简·王尔德的回忆录改编而成的传记电影,讲述了“宇宙之王”霍金的二三事。21岁,踌躇满志、意气风发的霍金来到了人生中最大的转折点。那一年,他遇见了美丽动人的简;那一年,他患上了肌萎缩侧索硬化症。此后,简不离不弃地照料了他二十年;此后,他的身体被禁锢在轮椅上,思想却遨游到广袤的宇宙。   这部电影最出彩的要数“小雀斑”埃迪·雷德梅恩的表演了,凭借在这部电影中神
英语和汉语一样,很多词语是不可以按字面意思去理解的,否则就容易产生误会,比如下面这些,可千万不要误会它们哦。  01 busybody  从字面意思看,是“忙碌的人”,但事实上,它可不是“大忙人”的意思,而是指“多管闲事的人”。  例如:Sara is a busybody, always poking her nose into other people’s affairs.莎拉是个好管闲事的人
美国现有高中30000多所,分为公立高中、私立高中。其中私立高中又分为:私立走读高中和私立寄宿高中(又名私立住宿高中)。美国高中还分为单校和混校、规模大小等各方面。以下是美国各类型高中区别,大家可以参考一下。  私立学校更重视精英培训  公立学校对老师的资质有明确规定,但是私立学校老师相对更负责任。公立学校生源多样,就像一个小型社会,学生学业和社交都更加取决于自己。私立学校是精英培养,为大学做准备
布朗大学  录取率:8.49% 报考人数:30397人 录取人数:2580人  遐迩闻名的常春藤联盟,8所世界超级著名大学之一,1764年刚创建之初叫罗得岛学院,全美第七古老的高校。其入学竞争极为激烈,该校最大的特征之一就是小而精。在当今大学人数不断增长的环境下,布朗大学依旧保持着严格的招生制度,和极高的入学门槛,师生比约为1:8。  加州理工学院  录取率:8.1% 报考人数:27340人 录取
对于不熟悉网坛的人来说,尤金妮·布沙尔是一个陌生的名字。尽管她还没有拿过任何主要赛事的冠军(对于一个20岁的选手来说,这挺正常的),但她今年的成绩着实耀眼——打入澳网和法网的半决赛,更在温网中杀入决赛,成為第一位打入大满贯单打决赛的加拿大人。这样的成绩自然引起了人们以及各大体育公司的注意。  而对于不关注网球的人,她的金发长腿和甜美笑容也足够吸引。我们有理由相信,随着她的技术不断完善,尤金妮夺取大
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