Acoustic band gaps in two-dimensional square arrays of semi-hollow circular cylinders

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:getold
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Concave surfaces focus sound while convex surfaces disperse sound. It is therefore interesting to know if it is possible to make use of these two opposite characteristics to enhance the band gap performance of periodic arrays of solid cylinders in air. In this paper, the band gap characteristics of a 2-D square array of semi-hollow circular cylinders embedded in air are investigated, both experimentally and theoretically. In comparison with the types of inclusion studied by previous researchers, a semi-hollow circular cylinder is unique in the sense that it has concave inner surfaces and convex outer surfaces. The finite difference time domain (FDTD) method is employed to study the propagation behavior of sound across the new phononic crystal of finite extent, and the influences of sample size and inclusion orientation on band gap characteristics are quantified in order to obtain the maximum band gap. For reference, the band gap behaviors of solid circular cylinder/air and hollow circular cylinder/air systems are considered and compared with those of semi-hollow circular cylinder/air systems. In addition to semi-hollow circular cylinders, other inclusion topologies such as semi-hollow triangular and square cylinders are also investigated. To validate the theoretical predictions, experimental measurements on square arrays of hollow Al cylinders in air and semi-hollow Al cylinders in air are carried out. The results demonstrate that the semi-hollow circular cylinder/air system has the best overall band gap performance. It is likely to make the use of these two opposite characteristics to enhance the band gap performance of periodic arrays of solid cylinders in air. In this paper, the band gap characteristics of a 2-D square array of semi-hollow circular cylinders embedded in air are investigated, both experimentally and theoretically. has concave inner surfaces and convex outer surfaces. The finite difference time domain (FDTD) method is employed to study the propagation behavior of sound across the new phononic crystal of finite extent, and the influences of sample size and inclusion orientation on band gap characteristics are For reference, the band gap behaviors of solid circular cylinder / air and hollow circu lar cylinder / air systems are considered and compared with those of semi-hollow circular cylinder / air systems. predictions, experimental measurements on square arrays of hollow Al cylinders in air and semi-hollow Al cylinders in air are carried out. The results demonstrate that the semi-hollow circular cylinder / air system has the best overall band gap performance.
黑龙江省富裕县新民村基干民兵杜宝刚坚持以农为本,多种经营,形成了种、养、加工良性生产循环格局。 1991年,杜宝刚和村委会签订了170亩荒地承包合同。他采用先进的生产技术
商品名 赛锋。药理作用1.药效学 头孢羟氨苄对产青霉素酶和不产青霉素酶的金黄色葡萄球菌、表皮葡萄球菌、A组溶血性链球菌、大肠杆菌、奇异变形杆菌的抗菌作用与头孢氨苄
近几年,各地陆续发生几起重大校车安全事故,校车安全问题受到全社会的广泛关注。然而,在全国许多地区,相当一部分学生依靠乘船上下学,这些“校船”的状况如何呢?近日,本文作者赴全国各地,对“校船”的基本情况进行了调研,并呼吁——  “校船”是指对于一些交通不方便的渡口设置的主要或者专班接送學生上学放学的客渡船。目前仅有极少数地区设有专用的“校船”。“校船”主要存在于边远山区,自然条件艰苦,大多数是学生上
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