Itopride for gastric volume,gastric emptying and drinking capacity in functional dyspepsia

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeut | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mc_2000
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AIM To study the effect of itopride on gastric accommodation, gastric emptying and drinking capacity in functional dyspepsia(FD). METHODS Randomized controlled trial was conducted to check the effect of itopride on gastric accommodation, gastric emptying, capacity of tolerating nutrient liquid and symptoms of FD. We recruited a total of 31 patients having FD on the basis of ROME III criteria. After randomization, itopride was received by 15 patients while 16 patients received placebo. Gastric accommodation was determined using Gastric Scintigraphy. ~(13) C labeled octanoic breadth test was performed to assess gastric emptying. Capacity of tolerating nutrient liquid drink was checked using satiety drinking capacity test. Theintervention group comprised of 150 mg itopride. Patients in both arms were followed for 4 wk. RESULTS Mean age of the recruited participant 33 years(SD = 7.6) and most of the recruited individuals, i.e., 21(67.7%) were males. We found that there was no effect of itopride on gastric accommodation as measured at different in volumes in the itopride and control group with the empty stomach(P = 0.14), at 20 min(P = 0.38), 30 min(P = 0.30), 40 min(P = 0.43), 50 min(P = 0.50), 60 min(P = 0.81), 90 min(P = 0.25) and 120 min(P = 0.67). Gastric emptying done on a sub sample(n = 11) showed no significant difference(P = 0.58) between itopride and placebo group. There was no significant improvement in the capacity to tolerate liquid in the itopride group as compared to placebo(P = 0.51). Similarly there was no significant improvement of symptoms as assessed through a composite symptom score(P = 0.74). The change in QT interval in itopride group was not significantly different from placebo(0.10). CONCLUSION Our study found no effect of itopride on gastric accommodation, gastric emptying and maximum tolerated volume in patients with FD. AIM To study the effect of itopride on gastric accommodation, gastric emptying and drinking capacity in functional dyspepsia (FD). METHODS Randomized controlled trial was conducted to check the effect of itopride on gastric accommodation, gastric emptying, capacity of tolerating nutrient liquid and symptoms of FD. We recruited a total of 31 patients having FD on the basis of ROME III criteria. After randomization, itopride was received by 15 patients while 16 patients received placebo. Gastric accommodation was determined using Gastric Scintigraphy. ~ (13) C labeled octanoic breadth Capacity was tolerating nutrient liquid drink was checked using satiety drinking capacity test. Theintervention group comprised of 150 mg itopride. Patients in both arms were followed for 4 weeks. RESULTS Mean age of the recruited participant 33 years ( SD = 7.6) and most of the recruiters, ie, 21 (67.7%) were males. We found that there was no effect of ito pride on gastric accommodation as measured in different in volumes in the itopride and control group with the empty stomach (P = 0.14), at 20 min (P = 0.38), 30 min (P = 0.30), 40 min , 50 min (P = 0.50), 60 min (P = 0.81), 90 min (P = 0.25) and 120 min (P = 0.67). Gastric emptying done on a sub sample There was no significant improvement in the capacity to tolerate liquid in the itopride group as compared to placebo (P = 0.51). Also there was significant change of symptoms as symptoms as consistently through a composite symptom score (P = 0.74). The change in QT interval in itopride group was not significantly different from placebo (0.10). CONCLUSION Our study found no effect of itopride on gastric accommodation, gastric emptying and maximum tolerated volume in patients with FD.
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