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9月14日,由中国农科院、莱芜市农业局、济南兆龙科技发展有限公司联合主办的甲基溴替代技术培训会暨垄鑫棉隆示范观摩会在莱芜成功举办,300多人参加了培训。甲基溴是一种广谱性化学农药,一般用作土壤熏蒸剂来防治蔬菜土传病害,但甲基溴不仅是一种剧毒物质, On September 14, a training seminar on methyl bromide alternative technology and a demonstration tour of the Longxin cotton by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural Bureau of Laiwu City, Jinan Zhaolong Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. was successfully held in Laiwu and more than 300 participants Training. Methyl bromide is a broad-spectrum chemical pesticide commonly used as a soil fumigant to control soil-borne diseases of vegetables, but methyl bromide is not only a highly toxic substance,
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A guy took his girlfriend to the movies.Dur-ing the pre-views,she asked him if he would goand buy her some M&Ms.When he returnedwith her candy,she opened the ba
If you have to be ugly,you might as well bethe best at it.A 10-year old mixed breed dog named“Quasi Mo-do”was awarded first place at the World’s UgliestDog C
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目的 :纯化rhIL 18并对其生物学功能进行初步研究。方法 :采用优化的包涵体提取技术和SephacrylS 2 0 0分子筛层析纯化rhIL 18,利用MTT染色法研究rhIL 18对NK细胞促杀伤作用
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