站在法律的边缘 眺望道德的彼岸

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边缘化的统计学和统计工作 今年10月8日,瑞典皇家科学院宣布,美国经济学家罗伯特.恩格尔(Robert F.Engle)和英国经济学家克莱夫.格兰杰(Clive W.J.Granger)双双获得2003年度诺贝尔经济学奖。这两位经济学家的主要研究成果是运用统计分析方法处理经济时间序列的两个关键性质:时变波动性和非平稳性。这是继2000年两位计量经济学家获此殊荣后,4年内计量经济学研究取得的新突破。纵观诺贝尔经济学奖的历史,计量经济学家在荻奖经济学家中几乎占到了半数,由此可见这门经济学分支学科在经济学学术研究中的 Marginalized statistics and statistics On October 8 this year, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced that both U.S. economist Robert F. Engle and British economist Clive WJ Granger Won the 2003 Nobel Prize in economics. The main findings of these two economists are the use of statistical analysis to deal with two key properties of economic time series: time-varying volatility and nonstationarity. This is the second breakthrough made in econometric research within four years since the two econometricians won this award in 2000. Throughout the history of the Nobel Prize in economics, econometricians accounted for almost half of the award-winning economists, we can see that this branch of economics in academic studies in economics
Several proposed assemble algorithms for Optical Burst Switching (OBS) network is described, and the feature relative merits is discussed and analyzed in this p
In this paper, a novel prioritized Optical Burst Switching (OCBS) scheme for the next-generation optical Internet is proposed and investigated systematically th