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现代市场经济中,政府对经济的干预是不可缺少的。在不同时期、不同国家,政府对经济的干预可分为两种基本方式:“积极”调节,即政府通过制度化、规范化的程序,相继采取经济预测、制订计划、实施计划、控制、信,急反馈等环节,对整个市场经济的运作产生主动、“积极”的导向作用,从而使整个宏观经济向着社会中心期望的方向或目标运行;“消极”的矫正方式,即当经济的运行处于正常状态或没有超出某一既定的临界值时,政府对经济生活采取较为放任的态度,而超过了这一范围时,政府才采取措施予以纠正,一旦经济运行回复到正常状态,政府就又采取放任态度。从我国要建立的社会主义市场经济的现实基础来讲,政府对经济生活的干预,以政府对经济生活的被动的、“消极”的矫正为基本方式是值得考虑的选择之一。 In the modern market economy, the government’s intervention in the economy is indispensable. In different periods and different countries, the government’s intervention in the economy can be divided into two basic modes: “positive” regulation, that is, the government successively adopts economic forecasts, plans, implements plans, controls, Emergency feedback and other links, the entire market economy to produce a proactive, “positive” role in guiding the entire macroeconomic toward the social center of the desired direction or goal of operation; “negative” approach to rectification, that is, when the economy is in normal operation State or did not exceed a predetermined critical value, the government take a more laudable attitude towards economic life, and beyond this range, the government took measures to correct it, once the economy returns to normal, the government took another laissez-faire attitude. According to the realistic basis of the socialist market economy to be established in our country, the government’s intervention in economic life and the passive and “negative” correction of economic life by the government are one of the options worth considering.
【正】 当前世界各国经济、政治、法律方面的一个重要课题是“保护消费者问题”。其中主要分为二个方面,一为经济利益,一为健康上的利益,即保证安全性。一、保障消费者安全所