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夏季温度高有利于植物生长,但是烈日骄阳、暴雨闷热、病虫滋生对盆栽花卉的生长也带来不利影响。因此,对盆花的夏季管理也决不可轻视。掌握特性区别对待各种盆花由于原产地的生态条件和品种特性不同,因而对栽培地区夏季的炎热情况反应也不一样,必须具体分析、分别对待。原产地中海冬季温暖潮湿,夏季凉爽地区的球根花卉仙客来,最怕夏季炎热,温度超过30℃常常导致落叶休眠,从而延迟开花。因此必须放在阴凉通风处,叶面要经常喷水,如果一旦受热而进入休眠,就要节制浇水,待气温转凉新芽萌动后,才可逐渐增加水肥。原产在中南美洲高海拔地区的倒挂金钟也对炎热敏感,因此要放在 Summer temperatures are good for plant growth, but hot sun, hot torrential rains, pests and diseases on the growth of potted flowers also have a negative impact. Therefore, the summer management of potted plants must not be underestimated. Grasp the characteristics of different treatment Potted flowers due to the origin of the ecological conditions and characteristics of different varieties, and thus cultivated areas of summer heat response is not the same, must be specifically analyzed and treated separately. The origin of the Mediterranean in winter warm and humid, cool summer flower bulb cyclamen, the most afraid of the summer hot, the temperature exceeds 30 ℃ often lead to dormancy, thus delaying flowering. Therefore, it must be placed in a cool and ventilated place. The foliage should be sprayed regularly. If it gets dormant after being heated, it must be restrained and watering is to be carried out. The fuchsia, which is native to Central and South America at high altitudes, is also sensitive to heat and should therefore be placed on it
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严寒的冬季,正是蟹爪兰与仙人指盛花的季节,一朵朵鲜艳绚丽的花朵,给人们带来了春天的气息。蟹爪兰(Zygocacrus truncatus)和仙人指(Schlumbergera sp.)是不同属植物,区别点
(一) Dawson 1951认为一相百日咳菌在Silverthorne氏的肝浸液血培养基上生长不如土豆甘油培养基上好,但我们证实了Silverthorne氏的肝浸液瓊脂培养基能使一相百日咳菌生长的