
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:miss3yoyo
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In this paper, an improved nonlinear process fault detection method is proposed based on modified kernel partial least squares(KPLS). By integrating the statistical local approach(SLA) into the KPLS framework, two new statistics are established to monitor changes in the underlying model. The new modeling strategy can avoid the Gaussian distribution assumption of KPLS. Besides, advantage of the proposed method is that the kernel latent variables can be obtained directly through the eigen value decomposition instead of the iterative calculation, which can improve the computing speed. The new method is applied to fault detection in the simulation benchmark of the Tennessee Eastman process. The simulation results show superiority on detection sensitivity and accuracy in comparison to KPLS monitoring. In this paper, an improved nonlinear process fault detection method is proposed based on modified Kernel Partial least squares (KPLS). By integrating the statistical local approach (SLA) into the KPLS framework, two new statistics are established to monitor changes in the underlying model The new modeling strategy can avoid the Gaussian distribution assumption of KPLS. Moreover, advantage of the proposed method is that the kernel latent variables can be obtained directly through the eigen value of the hierarchy instead of the iterative calculation, which can improve the computing speed. new method is applied to fault detection in the simulation benchmark of the Tennessee Eastman process. The simulation results show superiority on detection sensitivity and accuracy in comparison to KPLS monitoring.
畅销车要推出新款车型对于消费者来说无疑是个好消息。近日从美国《消费者报告》获知,2015年有两款车即将推出其新款车型:一款是Toyota Camry(丰田凯美瑞),该车每年荣登美国
读者“卡布奇诺”问:“老师在讲授热学时,曾提及第二类永动机,但我对它不太明白,能否解释一下,”笔者试着简单地回答这个问题,  在物理学发展史中,曾有人提出过两类永动机,即第一类永动机和第二类永动机,第一类永动机指的是这样一类的机器:该机器无需消耗能量就能对外界做功,这显然是违背了能量的守恒和转化定律的,所以,所有追求制造第一类永动机的人均以失败告终,如果说提出第一类永动机是异想天开,那么提出第二类