A Forest Fire Risk Assessment Using ASTER Images in Peninsular Malaysia

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aglusaiy
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Based on the physical concept of heat energy of pre-ignition,a new fire susceptibility index (FSI) is used to estimate forest fire risk. This physical basis allows calculation of ignition probabilities and comparisons of fire risk across eco-regions. The computation of the index requires inputs of fuel temperature and fuel moisture content (FMC),both of which can be estimated using remote sensing data. While ASTER data for land surface temperatures (LST) was used as proxys for fuel temperatures,fuel moisture content is estimated by regression technique utilizing the ratio NDVI/LST of ASTER data. FSIs are computed in peninsular Malaysia for nine days before the fires of 2004 and 2005 and validated with fire occurrence data. Results show that the FSI increases as the day approaches the fire day. This trend can be observed clearly about four days before the day of fire. It suggests that FSI can be a good estimator of fire risk. The physical basis provides a more meaningful FSI,allows calculation of ignition probabilities and facilitates the development of a future class of fire risk models. FSI can be used to compare fire risk across different eco-regions and time periods. FSI retains the flexibility to be localized to a vegetation type or eco-regions for improved performance. Based on the physical concept of heat energy of pre-ignition, a new fire susceptibility index (FSI) is used to estimate forest fire risk. This physical of allows ignition probabilities and comparisons of fire risk across eco-regions. The computation of the index requires inputs of fuel temperature and fuel moisture content (FMC), both of which can be estimated using remote sensing data. While ASTER data for land surface temperatures (LST) was used as proxys for fuel temperatures, fuel moisture content is estimated by regression technique utilizing the ratio NDVI / LST of ASTER data. FSIs are computed in peninsular Malaysia for nine days before the fires of 2004 and 2005 and validated with fire occurrence data. Results show that the FSI increases as the day approaches the fire day. This trend suggests can be seen clearly about four days before the day of fire. It suggests that FSI can be a good estimator of fire risk. The physical basis provides a more meaningful FSI, able calc ulation of ignition probabilities and facilitates the development of a future class of fire risk models. FSI can be used to compare fire risk across different eco-regions and time periods. FSI retains the flexibility to be localized to a vegetation type or eco-regions for improved performance.
【前记】已经记不清是第几次做“晚报杯”的稿件了,只依稀记得以往做“晚报杯”稿件时心中总难免夹杂着些苦涩。也许是因为“晚报杯”冠军是我惟一未染指的业余赛事冠军,故而从2005年开始,“晚报杯”似乎成了我最重视的比赛,只是我却一直与“晚报杯”缺少缘分。正当这一切成为习惯或者说我已渐渐麻木时,一直与我开玩笑的“晚报杯”却又给了我一个大大的惊喜。    出发1月2日    今年春节早,“晚报杯”在春节前举
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