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在父母眼里,你究竟是什么样子的?有人说是充话费送的,有人说是长不大的熊孩子,也有人说是一辈子的骄傲。答案各不相同,却无一不透露着爸妈对儿女的爱。但我们习惯了站在自己的角度看父母,却很少站在他们的角度看自己。记得小时候最爱打针了,每次打针我喜欢我爸带着我去,因为虽然疼,但是我爸总会给我从医生那里要来糖豆吃,回家的时候还会抱着我去小卖铺买个零食什么的。在小孩子眼里,零食应该是最好的东西了, In the eyes of parents, what exactly is it like? Some people say that the phone bill, some people say that they are grown bear children, others say it is a lifetime of pride. The answers vary, but all reveal the love of parents and children. But we are accustomed to stand on their own point of view of their parents, but rarely stand on their own point of view. I remember when I was a kid, I loved my dad taking me because I felt hurt, but my dad always gave me jelly beans to eat from the doctor, and when I came home, I hugged me Buy a snack or something. In the eyes of children, snacks should be the best thing,
It has been more than ten years since the semi-solid processing (SSP) technique was put into commercial applications in the world. A lot of work on semi-solid
Aim:FG020326,a novel imidazole derivative,is a potent multidrug-resistance(MDR) modulator in vitro and in vivo.However,FG020326 is insoluble.PEDLLA-FG020326 is
This paper analyzes the distribution characteristics of geomagnetic low-value displacement in Gansu and its adjacent areas from 1995 to 2003 on the basis of the
这是一个很有趣的现象:当我们聊天时,每个人都很想要聊“我”。  “喔,我最近好像專注力下降得厉害,课堂上怎么也无法集中注意力。而我刚在浮想联翩,老师就提问了……”  当你兴致勃勃地讲着,你的听众如果专注地听着,你会觉得自己找到了最靠谱的朋友。完全不介意敞开心扉,把自己的无穷心事倾吐出来。  当我们写作时,却恰恰相反,总想隐藏“我”,或者干脆不写“我”。我们瞬间变成了一棵树,一本杂志,一栋建筑物,静
Based on the analyses of electromagnetic pressure on melt and heat induced in melt, the ratio of heat to pressure Q 0/ p m was defined. It was given th
The middle convex and varying ellipse piston is th e key component of an internal combustion engine In general,the piston is mac hined by non circular sect