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山东是一个经济大省,但还不是一个经济强省。按国内生产总值衡量,山东仅次于广东,与江苏不差上下,位居全国第2位或第3位;但以人均产值论比,山东仅仅处于中上游;从经济结构发展水平上看,甚至还低于全国平均水平。一国或一地区的经济总量一般用国内生产总值表示,但是,这一指标更多地反映着一国或一地区所达到的经济规模,较少反映着经济实力和经济发展的水平。山东是经济大省而不是经济强省,这可从山东经济发展的水平上加以说明。按照国际上通行的标准,可以从两个不同的角度衡量一国或一个地区经济发展的水平或者说经济实力。一是经济总量的人均水平。二是经济结构发展水平。人均水平的主要衡量指标是人均国内生产总值,山东人均国内生产总值1992年为2307元,在全国各省、市、自治区中位居第10位,这与其经济总量所处位置相差甚远。1993年和1994年,山东省国内生产总值平均以15%至17%的速度增长,但人均水平的排名在全国仍没有大多变化。衡量经济结构发展水平有几个主要的指标:一是三种产业结构,从近现代世界各国经济发展史看,随着经济发展水平的提高,第一 Shandong is a major economic province, but it is not yet an economically strong province. In terms of gross domestic product, Shandong is second only to Guangdong and Jiangsu not less than the second or third among the whole country. However, in terms of GDP per capita, Shandong is only in the middle and upper reaches. From the point of view of economic structure development , Even below the national average. The gross national product of a country or a region is generally expressed in terms of gross domestic product. However, this indicator more reflects the size of the economy reached by one country or one region and less reflects the economic strength and level of economic development. Shandong is a major economic province rather than a strong economic province, which can be illustrated from the perspective of Shandong’s economic development. According to internationally accepted standards, the economic development level or economic strength of a country or a region can be measured from two different perspectives. First, the per capita GDP level. Second, the level of economic structure. The per capita GDP is the key measure of per capita GDP. Shandong’s per capita GDP in 1992 was 2,307 yuan, ranking 10th in the provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of the country, which is far from where its total economy is located . In 1993 and 1994, the average GDP of Shandong Province increased by 15% to 17%. However, the ranking of per capita GDP in China remained largely unchanged. There are several major indicators for measuring the level of economic structure development: First, the three types of industrial structure. From the perspective of economic development in all countries in the modern world, with the improvement of economic development, the first
【正】 根据统计总局公布的1993年蒙古经济社会发展总结,该国仍然处于危机之中,生产不稳定,人民生活水平下降。依旧是蒙古主导经济部门的畜牧业,发生了实质性的变化。在最近2
生料宽畦深层地栽香菇整套生产技术 Raw materials wide 畦 deep planting mushrooms package production technology
本文阐述了正反馈与负反馈、直流反馈与交流反馈、电压反馈与电流反馈、串联反馈与并联反馈的判别方法。 This article describes the positive feedback and negative feed