Try to talk about bionics in the application of ecological design

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  【摘要】:Bionic design is based on the shape and internal structure of biological design powerful, vivid appearance, beautiful and practical design. Throughout history, mankind has continued to learn from nature. In solving their actual problems, we have been in the way of life and biological phenomena observed to obtain enlightenment. Nature has the best aesthetic form, the most affordable materials and the most advanced features, forms of nature are endless. Development of bionic design, to achieve harmony between man and nature and progress.
  Bionic design can generally be divided into four categories: bionic, bionic function , bionic structure and material, texture bionic. Bionic Design eco-technology factors determine the sustainable building designs. Environmentally conscious building design, sustainable development point of view, the design has become an increasingly important topic in the future.
  For example, Lin Bin Le Pique Accor hotels in Singapore, extending the natural rock. In the bustling center of Singapore, in cooperation with the construction companies WOHA Royal Park with a groundbreaking approach to the design and construction of the hotel. They chose an interesting way: rock formations. We can see the outline of the building is how to reflect these formations, towers every three rooms with cantilevered sky garden, planted with tropical plants above, it has become part of urban green space, integrated with the adjacent park. Contour outline podium with the street echoes its design inspired by the bionic pot.
  Another example is L'ArbreBlanc (white tree), balcony madly outside "germination", a symbol of efforts to capture the sun leaves, the whole building looks like a giant "cones." Architect Sou Fujimoto conifer cones to form such a primitive life as an inspiration, Bristlecone pine is already 5,000 years of ancient species, the life of this ancient form of graft in the building, this design will be the perfect combination of ancient and modern, do synchronization largest man and nature visual.
  Examples of the above analysis, the future development trend of bio-architecture should follow and respect the objective laws of nature, design and aesthetics complement each other and common development. Bionic design Art Design Design Aesthetics as expected reaction "humane" care, narrowed the distance between buildings and nature. 21 increasingly diverse world, in a sense, evolving design and promotion is the process of human knowledge, ideas, aesthetic and emotional process of continuous improvement. As one of the new bionic design new design, is a human emotion, spiritual and ethical culture portrayal, to really Chinese traditional culture has been pursuing the "Heaven", "two things I forgot," the highest level, to achieve harmony between man and nature close.
【摘要】:中国古建筑文化的内涵反映在技术和风格方面的特色有四方面:一是礼制体现着中国古代建筑文化的主题;二是风水术对中国古代建筑影响很大;三是东方大地的农业文化与“浓厚的伦理”的哲学思想决定了中国古代建筑文化的材料模式和结构“语汇”;四是以“诗情画意”为主导思想的自然风景式的中国古典园林。  【关键词】:中国古代;建筑文化;特色  中国古代建筑是中华民族优秀文化传统的重要组成部分。在中国社会发展的
【摘要】:生活是最好的老师,它潜藏了艺术的生命。走入生活,人的的主动性体现在观察、感受以后所采取的方法、行动,这个过程对绘画创作起着重要的作用。  【关键词】:生活;体验;情感;艺术;创作  生活广义上指人的各种活动,包括日常生活行动、学习、工作、休闲、社交、娱乐等职业生活,个人生活、家庭生活和社会生活以及玩味生活。生活是比生存更高层面的一种状态,因为不仅包含了生存还有思维、情感,是体现人类所有的
【摘要】:身体是美的载体,舞蹈将这种美发挥到了极致,通过身体所呈现的不同姿态形态来发现舞蹈的美,对比中西方舞蹈美的差异所在,欣赏不同的舞蹈美。  【关键词】:阴阳平衡;外开直立;外放与内收  前言  美学离不开情感、艺术、自然。那么我们可以认为这些词语均是在美的范畴内。在《哲学与美学—一种无原则的批判》中有这样一句话“身体美是自然美的顶峰,是艺术美,尤其是造型艺术和表演艺术美的中心”。据此我们可以
【摘要】:在V.S.奈保尔的长篇处女座《通灵的按摩师》中,作者运用了漫画笔法勾勒出主人公格涅沙飘摇的一生,同时也展现了特立尼达地区的时代变迁。  【关键词】:《通灵的按摩师》;漫画笔法;文化混杂  漫画,“乃漫笔而画之也’。漫画在所有的画中是最不受约束的一种,也是任由想象发挥的一种。奈保尔的作品也如漫画一般,由形传神,想象奇特。纵观《通灵的按摩师》一书,更可以明显感到那种“漫笔而画之”的漫画风格。
【Abstract】: As a kind of natural material, bamboo since ancient started by a human use, in order to meet all aspects of the production, the life needs, whether in the history of Chinese bamboo culture
【摘要】:青海藏族的手工艺精彩纷呈,在我国文化史上有着浓墨重彩的地位。本文先分析青海藏族手工艺的种类,接着分析其特点,最后提出一套传承青海藏族手工艺的对策,意在起到抛砖引玉之用。  【关键词】:青海藏族;手工艺;传承  一、前言  作为一种特殊的工艺技能,手工艺凝聚了我国民族文化的精髓与精华,是我国文化宝库中的重要财富。其中,青海藏族的手工艺精彩纷呈,在我国文化史上有着浓墨重彩的地位。本文先分析青
【摘要】:中国传统文化中以仁爱为宗旨的儒家文化是其重要组成部分。儒家美学思想具有“中和为美”、“尽善尽美”以及“天人合一”的审美特征,这些美学特征对当今中国食品包装设计具有正确的指导性作用。中国现代食品包装设计中存在着内容与形式脱离、艺术个性薄弱的弊端,针对这些弊端,借鉴儒家美学“尽善尽美”思想可促进包装设计内容与形式的统一,吸收儒家美学“和而不同”思想则能突出食品包装设计艺术个性。  【关键词】
【摘要】:申伟光的“超验艺术”从最开始的水墨画到现在的簇毛系列,一直都在追求一种与万物心灵上的沟通达到一种天人合一之境。申伟光超验艺术作品所呈之“象”是对于心象外在的呈现,是对生命经验的感受和体悟。运动是万物的本质,生命以运动的形式存在。申伟光所展现其生命的形式也是在循循往复,生生不息的运动感的传递中展现生命之“气势”。  【关键词】:申伟光;运动;象  在申光伟的艺术作品中“超验”与“超验艺术”