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目的了解新疆维吾尔族儿童腹股沟斜疝的流行病学特征及危险因素。方法采用普查方式,对新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市、克拉玛依市、喀什地区、和田地区、吐鲁番地区的24所幼儿园、18所小学及9所初中儿童进行医学体检,对患有腹股沟斜疝和曾做过斜疝手术的儿童进行问卷登记调查,设立对照组,分析发病危险因素。结果查体4~14岁的儿童19 132例,其中男9 670例,女9 462例,总计患儿498例,其中男368例,女130例,男性患病率3.81%,女性患病率1.37%;平均患病率为2.60%,男童患病率高于女童,二者之间差异有统计学意义(χ2=111.543,P=0.000);男女发病年龄比较,男童发病年龄早于女童,差异有统计学意义(χ2=17.33,P=0.001);各地区间因地理环境不同,患病率有差异,尤其是吐鲁番地区患病率达4.25%,高于其他地区,差异有统计学意义(χ2=75.347,P=0.000);病例组中有家族史的患病率为38.2%;有啼哭史的病例患病率为42.4%,母亲怀孕及患儿有被动吸烟史的接受概率为45.1%,与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义(P=0.000)。结论维吾尔族儿童腹股沟斜疝患病率男性高于女性,男性发病年龄早于女性,吐鲁番地区的患病率高于其他地区,家族史、啼哭史及被动吸烟史是儿童腹股沟斜疝发生的主要危险因素,维吾尔族儿童疝患病率高于其他少数民族及全国平均水平。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics and risk factors of inguinal hernia in Uygur children in Xinjiang. Methods A total of 24 kindergartens, 18 elementary schools and 9 middle school children in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Urumchi, Karamay, Kashgar, Hetian and Turpan districts were surveyed by means of census. For patients with inguinal hernia and those who had done Children with indirect hernia surgery were surveyed by questionnaire, and a control group was established to analyze the risk factors. Results A total of 19 132 children aged 4-14 years were enrolled in this study, including 9 670 males and 9 462 females, with a total of 498 children, including 368 males and 130 females, with a prevalence rate of 3.81% in males and a prevalence of females 1.37%; the average prevalence rate was 2.60%, the prevalence of boys was higher than that of girls, the difference was statistically significant (χ2 = 111.543, P = 0.000); boys and girls age of onset was earlier than that of boys The difference was statistically significant (χ2 = 17.33, P = 0.001). The prevalence rates among different regions were different due to different geographical environments, especially in Turpan, with a prevalence rate of 4.25%, higher than the other regions (Χ2 = 75.347, P = 0.000). The prevalence of family history in case group was 38.2%. The prevalence of cases with crying history was 42.4%. The acceptance probability of mother’s pregnancy and children’s history of passive smoking was 45.1%, compared with the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P = 0.000). Conclusions The prevalence of indirect inguinal hernia in Uygur children is higher than that in females. The prevalence of male patients is earlier than that of females. The prevalence rate of Turpan is higher than that in other regions. The history of family history, crying history and passive smoking are the major causes of inguinal hernia in children Risk factors, the prevalence of Uigur children’s hernia higher than other ethnic minorities and the national average.
患者 ,女 ,46岁。因发热 3d ,收住我院治疗。体检 :神志清楚 ,体温 39℃ ,呼吸 1 8次·min 1 ,脉搏 88次·min 1 ,血压 1 1 2 .8 67.7mmHg(1mmHg=0 .1 33kPa)。咽部充血明显 ,血常规示白细胞计
Objective: The purpose of this study was to monitor the introduction of the STAN-methodology(Noventa Medical, Moelndal, Sweden). Study design: This was a prospe
目的分析早产儿呼吸窘迫综合征合并早期感染的临床表现及预后。方法 69例呼吸窘迫综合征早产患儿,39例合并早期感染者为观察组,30例未合并早期感染者为对照组,比较2组呼吸机
药物引起的剧烈头痛不断增多 ,现将近几年的文献报道综述如下。1 双黄连注射液患儿 ,男 ,1 2岁 ,因上呼吸道感染静脉滴注 1 0 %葡萄糖注射液加双黄连 2 0mL。滴注 1 0min后 ,患儿
地卡因作为一种黏膜表面麻醉药 ,因其麻醉效果好、时效长 ,在纤维支气管镜检查前支气管麻醉中应用较为普遍 ,但其毒性大 ,过敏反应的发生率也较高。现将我科近几年来进行地卡
中国语言学论文索引(1991-1995) 该书收录了1991-1995年间在中国600余种学术刊物上发表的17000余篇论文题目,涉及作者近9000人。内容分类延续甲乙编的模式,基本反映出90年代