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我國现有森林面積過小,水材資源貧乏,因之,既下能满足国家長期建設的需要,又不能庇護廣大土地,抵抗風沙水旱,致農业生產受到極大威脅。此種嚴重情况,亟須加以改變。三年多来,由於党政各級领导的重视和廣大羣眾的努力,我国林业建設已获得相當成就。根據現有統計:全國造林已約达一七五萬公頃,封山育林四一四万公頃。造林面積正在逐年擴大,造林成活率也在逐年提高。許多地區的零星植樹已發展成為成片造林,個體造林已逐步組織起來成為合作造林。较大面积的防护林已在東北、西北地區開始營造;並在豫東、冀西等地開始收到防護效果。不少荒山經封山育林后,已逐漸成林,或開始發生保持水土的作用。濫伐森林现象已基本停止,山林火災損害也在逐年減輕。這些成就無疑已為今後工作打下了初步基礎。 Due to the small size of existing forests and the shortage of water resources in our country, both of them can meet the needs of the country’s long-term construction and can not shelter vast areas of land and resist wind, sand and water from drought and drought. As a result, agricultural production is greatly threatened. Such a serious situation needs to be changed urgently. In the past three years or so, due to the emphasis placed by leaders at all levels on party and government levels and by the masses, the forestry construction in our country has achieved considerable success. According to the existing statistics, afforestation in China has reached about 175,000 hectares, and 440,000 hectares have been sealed off for afforestation. Afforestation area is expanding year by year, afforestation survival rate also increased year by year. Sporadic tree planting in many areas has developed into a piecemeal afforestation and individual afforestation has gradually been organized to become a cooperative afforestation. A large area of ​​shelterbelt has started to be built in the northeast and northwest regions, and protective effects have begun to be received in eastern Henan, western Hebei and other places. After a lot of barren hills have been closed to hillsides for afforestation, they have gradually become forests or have begun to take on the role of maintaining water and soil. The phenomenon of deforestation has basically stopped, and the damage caused by forest fires is also decreasing year by year. These achievements undoubtedly laid the preliminary foundation for future work.
大朝山水电站 1号、2号、3号泄洪排砂底孔弧形工作闸门单铰推力为 3 3× 10 4 kN ,闸室采用梁式预应力闸墩结构 ,弧门支臂传递的推力由支承大梁向边墩和中墩传递 ,从而减小
主席、各位委员、各位同志:一、江西在第二次国内战争时期,包括半数以上的人口,三分之二以上的地区建立过人民政权和人民根据地(苏区),这是江西历史情况最突出的特点。 Cha