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   On screen, they’re Earth’s mightiest heroes. But in Hollywood, they were has-beens and never-weres. That is, until Marvel got a hold of them.
   Avengers: Age of Ultron kicks off the summer movie season with a whirlwind of superheroes joining forces to once again save the world and shatter boxoffice records. The director and several key stars in the ensemble cast either kick-started their film careers with Marvel Studios (Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Chris Evans as Captain America, director Joss Whedon) or staged a dramatic comeback (Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man).
   The next few months could mark the most lucrative summer in Hollywood history, thanks to a wave of followups to major franchises. After Avengers, some of the most anticipated entries include Mad Max: Fury Road, Jurassic World, Terminator: Genisys, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation and the Despicable Me spinoff Minions.
   Those moviegoers who prefer original stories over digitally created dinosaurs also have a surprising surfeit of choices, as Hollywood has learned that summer can be a smart time for sophisticated counterprogramming. Two of the most celebrated movies from January’s Sundance Film Festival, the dark comedy Me, Earl and the Dying Girl and hip-hop comedy Dope, both released in June.
   But in a summer with 18 sequels, reboots, spinoffs and comic-book adaptations, it’s the second Avengers that will set the tone. The film also demonstrates a new casting calculus in Hollywood, in which it’s not the actors who make the character, but the character who makes the actor.
   Disney-owned Marvel has mastered that approach and made A-listers out of previous unknowns. Chris Pratt, for example, was best known for his supporting role on the sitcom Parks and Recreation. Then he landed the starring role in last summer’s Guardians of the Galaxy, by far the season’s biggest box-office winner, bringing in $774 million. He’s now one of Hollywood’s most sought-after leading men and starred in Jurassic World this June.
   Marvel takes the same approach with directors—in contrast to competitors like Warner Bros., which has entrusted its superheroes to highend auteur Christopher Nolan and experienced action director Zack Snyder. Kenneth Branagh’s career directing big-screen Shakespeare adaptations petered out several years before Marvel picked him to direct Thor. After that film hit it big, Mr. Branagh continued a second career in big-budget movies such as last year’s Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit and March’s live-action Cinderella.
素材A 陌生小伙清理地铁污物  4月23日当晚9时许,一名小姑娘由于感冒没忍住吐在2号线地铁车厢里,不少人都急忙躲避。此时,一名男子不仅主动为小姑娘让座,还拿出纸巾将车厢内的呕吐物清理干净。网友纷纷留言称小伙子云南大学大二学生子丽勇为“地铁暖男”。但子丽勇说:“我在想,为什么这样简单的事会被热传?这样的事本来谁都可以去做,然而却没有人去做。我并不希望人们只会整天刷微博转发各种正能量,真正的正能量其
支票是在信用卡诞生之前就存在的一种支付方式。大多数美国人收到水电费账单的时候,一般在信封里夹一张支票寄回给电力和自来水公司。在没有信用卡、没有网上付费的时代,个人支票可以说是唯一方便的付款方式。然而个人支票在中国并不普及,那我们来看看在美国,个人支票在银行卡、个人电子支付盛行时代的兴衰存亡。   It may be strange to Chinese people, writing a che
高考作文时,如果仅以理论论据分析,难免会空洞,如果适当地融入事实论据,于典型素材中展示话题内涵,一定能够起到更好的表达效果。所以说,素材是文章的血肉,有了它才会内容充实。2016年高考作文阅卷现场,我们再一次见识了考生在素材运用方面的灵动思维,也发现了一些失误之处。  佳作示范区  1.思维拓展  围绕写作中心,选择具体素材进行分析时,可以运用思维拓展的方式,对素材内容进行深入开掘。具体分析,可以
1.作家海瑟因为偶然的原因,开始为居住小镇上的人写讣告。每次撰写前,海瑟都会先去拜访逝者的家人、朋友,聊聊逝者生前的故事、细节。当她开始写作,她会把亲友们讲的去世过程用一句话概括,然后把剩下的篇幅留给逝者们有过的一段“好的人生”。从1996年开始的20年中,海瑟写了400多篇讣告。她常被问起是什么决定了一个“好的人生”。海瑟将此归结为“深入关系”,就是那些“当我们去世,会想念我们”的人。  2.凌
The film starts, and silence sets in, interrupted[打断] only by delighted[高兴的] laughter. An hour and a half later, everyone exits looking not just happy, but about as happy as they’ve ever been.   Thos
唐风似酒,我愿沉醉其中,品那街市车声,秋风夜雨……  唐的味道多变,若灿烂星汉,又似冷月寒霜,虽然捉摸不透,却也有迹可循。  欲品唐风,首推一个“侠”字。侠亦分两类,李白似神仙,是在天上行走的侠,以酒为伴,浪漫溶骨,写下的是绮丽,是梦幻。他写愁如“举杯消愁愁更愁”,写仙人则是“弄电不辍手,行云本无踪”,于是,他绣口一吐便是半个盛唐。杜甫则不同,他是凡人,是在红尘世俗中蹒跚而行的侠,他的所见所闻都是
科学家将自己的研究成果一览无余地公布于世,但她仍在物理界独当一面;思想者将其各自主张著书讲学百家争鸣,但它仍在传统文化中生机勃勃;企业家将其独家工艺流程花茶专利公之于众,但她最终成为众望所归的致富带头人。  享受,或小享,或大享,虽只一字之差,但其映射往往有很大不同。小享的最大外化表现是一个人的“高处不胜寒”,而大享此之谓一群人的狂欢百花争艳。小享大抵称之为艺术,可以是字里行间独自思考,也可以是纵
长脊蜿蜒,垂脊错落,红墙沥粉,鎏金飞檐。这里是故宫,老王工作的地方。  先打了一盆热水,老王便紧闭上了西三所的红门。“呵!王老师回来了!快来看看这件宝物!”徒弟小林招呼着便掀开了工作台上的白色布帘,下面是一座金光璀璨的大型钟表,原来是乾隆帝的音乐水法钟。老王细细赏了一番,着实精美巧妙,欧式建筑、中式亭台并列其上,更添韵味。“老师,这件宝贝还算完好,我们几个着手修复没有问题。”小林自信满满地和老王保
不久前,一位叫做泰內尔的美国小伙和一位名为乔安娜的菲律宾姑娘结婚了。虽然跨国恋在如今这个时代并不稀奇,然而这两位的结合却充满戏剧性的浪漫与感动。14年前,7岁的泰内尔通过“圣诞儿童i-l-划”( Operation Christmas Child)这一慈善项目寄出了一份圣诞礼物,而远在菲律宾的8岁小姑娘乔安娜幸运地得到了这份惊喜。14年后,在这个慈善项目的牵线下,两人终成眷属。   When J