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从今年春季新学期开始,深圳市373所中小学增设了一门新课程——法制教育课。所有中小学生从四年级起,在小学、初中、高中阶段将分别接受两学年的课堂法制教育。深圳市人大常委会主任李广镇称,中小学校开设法制教育课是在构建依法治市的基础工程。9月下旬,以省人大常委会副主任侣志广为组长、10位全国人大代表和省人大代表参加的视察组,对深圳市中小学法制教育的工作进行了视察。在深圳小学,老师向代表们讲述了这样的故事:上学期的—个周末,法制课的老师给四年级的同学布置了一次独特的家庭作业:用照相机作工具,说明法就在我们身边。下次上课每人都在投影仪上介绍拍摄经过和体会。有个学生拍下了他爸爸把小车停在草坪上的镜头,爸爸发现后,立即把车开出了草坪。有的学生拍下了无证小贩在马路边出售食品的镜头,还告诉周围的人无证小贩的食品不能买。有个学生还指出家长车上放置的小国旗尺寸 Starting from the new semester of this spring, 373 primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen have set up a new course - legal education. All primary and middle school students will receive the two-year legal education in the classroom from the fourth grade in elementary, middle and high school. Li Guangzhen, director of the Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress, said that establishing a legal education class in primary and secondary schools is a basic project for building a city ruled by law. In late September, an inspection team attended by representatives of the NPC Standing Committee and Lvgu Guang, deputy director of the NPC Standing Committee, and 10 NPC deputies and provincial people’s congresses conducted inspections on legal education in primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen. In Shenzhen elementary school, the teacher told the delegates stories like this: Last semester - Weekends, law teachers put a unique homework assignment for fourth-graders: using a camera as a tool to illustrate the law around us. The next class everyone introduced in the projector after shooting and experience. A student photographed his father parked the car on the lawn. After his father found out, he immediately took the car out of the lawn. Some students photographed the undocumented vendors selling food on the roadside, and told the people around the unlicensed vendors can not buy the food. A student also pointed out the size of a small flag the parents placed on the car
空间技术在基本农田监管中的应用展望中国农业工程研究设计院农业资源监测站陆登槐胡如忠中国人均耕地极少,1949年为0.18公顷,1952年为0.19公顷,1965年为0.14公顷,1970年为0.12公顷,1979年降为0.10公顷,1988年又降为0... Applica