All-for-One Tourism to Distinguish Qinzhou City From Others

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  In the past, when it came to tourism in Guangxi, perhaps people only knew the unrivalled landscape of Guilin. When it came to tourism in Beibu Gulf, it would be the intoxicating Beihai Silver Beach. However, in recent years, with the transformation from “scenic tourism” to “all-for-one tourism”, Qinzhou has stood out in Guangxi and been playing an increasingly important role in Guangxi’s tourism.
  In April 2019, during the March 3rd Festival (Sanyuesan Festival) celebrated by the Zhuang people, journalist from China-ASEAN Panorama Magazine Agency visited the main venue of “Zhuang's March 3rd Festival · Guangxi Carnival” — Bazhaiyuan Village, Qinbei District, Qinzhou. On both sides of the Donglijiang River and the water stage, there were large-scale live performance, exhibition of ethnic featured goods, traditional ethnic fun physical activities, local cultural corridor exhibition and sea of flowers, attracting many visitors and the Zhuang people.
  In addition, other districts in Qinzhou have also well-planned and launched a series of colorful activities themed “Zhuang’s March 3rd Festival”. On April 4-8, 2019, Qinzhou received 1.042 million tourists and realized RMB 780 million yuan of total tourism consumption, up by 30.28% and 33.11%, respectively.
  The splendid activities of “Zhuang’s March 3rd Festival” in Qinzhou are the epitome of the development of local tourism in recent years. Driven by the all-for-one tourism, Qinzhou has relied on the model of “travel +”, integrated with urbanization, agriculture, culture, health, sports and poverty alleviation, extended the chain of tourism industry, fully unleashed the effect of industrial convergence. As a positive practice for Qinzhou to develop “tourism + culture”, “Zhuang’s March 3rd Festival” has showed local cultural resources, held a series of festival activities, made good publicity and built brand for Qinzhou’s tourism.
  In addition, Qinzhou also has boasted other relatively well-known cultural tourism activities, such as Oyster Festival, Dolphin Festival and Nixing Pottery Culture Art Festival. As these activities being held for years, Qinzhou has become more and more famous as the “Hometown of Oyster in China”, “Hometown of White Dolphin in China”, and “Hometown of Nixing Pottery in China”, catching more travelers’ attention. For many visitors to Qinzhou, the must-do tasks are to have fun with the white dolphin, enjoy the fresh oyster, and buy the exquisite Nixing Pottery for friends.   In fact, during the review process of the 13th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Tourism in Qinzhou in 2016, Qinzhou has cleared and defined that it is necessary to innovate the concept of tourism development and take all-for-one tourism as the guidance to promote the transformation of scenic tourism. With those preferential policies, Qinzhou has striven to launch a series of measures to implement the all-for-one tourism.
  In terms of resource integration, based on its geographical situation and transportation, Qinzhou has made every effort to create distinctive tourism development areas, and formed the overall tourism pattern of “one region, three belts”. Among which, “one region” refers to the core area of Qinzhou historical and cultural tourism, and “three belts” refer to the coastal leisure vacation belt, Qinbei District landscape ecological sightseeing belt, and Lingshan & Pubei folk custom belt, which not only integrates the distributed resources, but also builds a main tourism product system.
  In terms of industrial integration, while promoting the integration of “tourism +” industry, Qinzhou has also promoted the construction of 24 key projects, including Sanniang Bay Tourism Resort Comprehensive Development Project, Malan Island · Dolphin Bay International Cultural Tourism Resort, and Nixing Pottery Cultural Creative Industry Park (Millennium Pottery City).
  In terms of service, Qinzhou has formed a tourism transportation network with “external and internal connection”, exerted all strength to push forward the “toilet revolution” and implemented smart tourism construction projects, so as to improve tourists’ experience.
  In terms of process assurance, Qinzhou has focused on establishing tourism safety assurance mechanism and strengthening safety supervision.
  In terms of social participation, Qinzhou has encouraged people to participate in tourism entrepreneurship and volunteer services, and promoted poverty alleviation through tourism in rural areas.
  As one of the first famous tourism counties in Guangxi, Qinnan District of Qinzhou, boasting Sanniangwan Scenic Area, Liu Yungfu Former Residence, Nixing Pottery Culture Creative Industry Park, Nawu Mountain Forest Park, Asian Pitaya Eco-Leisure Park, has made its special tourism products since 2013, taking the lead in the development of all-for-one tourism. In December 2016, Qinnan District was listed as the founding unit of “National All-for-one Tourism Demonstration Zone”.
  From 2016 to 2018, the total number of tourists in Qinzhou increased from 10.77 million to 36.49 million, and the total tourism consumption also increased from less than 10 billion to 37.2 billion, with an average annual growth of more than 50%. These figures are the outstanding achievements of Qinzhou in taking multiple measures to promote the development of tourism, and will also encourage Qinzhou to further develop its all-for-one tourism.
近年来,在设计创意领域,泰国向全球展露出很强的实力。泰国政府为提高国际竞争力,把创意与设计产业作为国家产业转型的重要支柱。在泰国政府积极推进的“泰国4.0”高附加值经济模式中,创意经济与数字经济、生物经济等一起被列入国家重点发展领域。  “设计的重要性已经上升到国家层面”  从经济上讲,泰国仍是发展中国家,但这无碍于泰国设计将谦和乐观的传统价值观融入到包容创新的现代精神里。1997年东南亚遭遇的金
“泰国人民总是期待出现变化,每次有改变发生,人们就会非常兴奋,认为将会有好事来临。但过一段时间人们发现事情并没有变好,就又开始厌倦了,如此循环往复。”5年来,从现任泰国总理巴育发动政变到举行大选,对于这期间泰国的社会情绪,泰国非营利组织Asia Centre的泰籍研究员如是分析。  如果说社会情绪是一个国家内政外交的晴雨表,那么在巴育军政府执政的5年间,泰国这个“微笑国度”究竟是晴是雨呢?  在晴
2019年3月24日,一场被不少人视作拯救泰国政治的选举拉开帷幕。  这次大选有3个“首次”,即为泰国2011年以来的首次民主选举;2014年军方发动政变推翻英拉政府以来的首次选举;2017年通过新宪法后的首次选举。根据泰国媒体报道,此次选举共有来自44个政党的68位候选人参选总理。参选政党虽多,但真正有实力的政党只有4个,即巴育代表的人民國家力量党、素达拉代表的为泰党、阿披实代表的民主党,以及塔
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越南的经济发展有多快?  这是一个越来越被国际社会关注的话题。有智库数据统计显示,过去 10年来,随着制造业起飞,越南外资投资增加,财富增长 210%,财富累积速度位居全球之冠,而未来 10年估计趋势不变,越南财富增长率将达 200%。  山水相连的中越两国关系,割舍不断的同时为何时有起伏?  这也是一个值得我们深思的问题。在中越两国1347公里漫长的边境线上,7对国家级陆地边境口岸,25个贸易互
过去,说到去中国广西旅游,世人或许只知桂林山水甲天下;说到北部湾旅游,则是北海银滩醉游人。然而,近年来,凭着从“景区旅游”到“全域旅游”的转变,钦州在广西区内脱颖而出,越来越多地被写在人们的旅游计划表上。  2019年4月,在壮族重要节日“三月三”期间,本刊记者走进了钦州市“壮族三月三·八桂嘉年华”系列活动的主会场——钦北区八寨原乡。在洞利江两岸和水上演出舞台上,汇聚了大型实景文藝演出、民族特色商
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在历经半个多世纪的与世隔绝后,缅甸正欲通过经济、政治的全方位改革,再度重回世界舞台。而缅甸民选政府上台以来,中缅各方面的合作也发生了一些微妙的变化,中缅关系未来走向如何?中企投资缅甸的进程中,仍面临着许多未知的问题,企业又该如何化解这些压力?  研究了几十年缅甸问题和中缅关系的中缅友协研究部主任彭宏伟,近日在广西民族大学参加了“中国特色周边外交”研讨会并接受了本刊記者采访,他为我们一一释疑了充满话
在近期闭幕的第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛上,智库专家们活跃的身影得到了不少人的关注。论坛期间,不仅有16家中外智库共同发起的“一带一路”国际智库合作委员会宣告成立,更有首次设立的“智库交流”分论坛。智库专家们碰撞智慧的火花,让人们看到了“一带一路”建设中闪烁的智慧光芒。  中国国家主席习近平在首届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕式主旨演讲中曾强调,“一带一路”建设“要发挥智库作用,建设好智库