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1 病例报告 例1,女,50岁。因右上腹反复发作性疼痛3个月,并放射至右肩背部,加重10天来诊。经体格检查及B超示:初诊为慢性胆囊炎,经予消炎、利胆、解痉、止痛等治疗,症状不能缓解。转至聊城市人民医院会诊结果与本院相同。胃镜示:胃底糜烂性胃炎。服药后症状仍不能缓解。近10天来症状加重,进食后及夜间更甚,致不敢进食,夜不能眠,再次来院行肝胆胰CT检查示:胰腺癌并纵隔淋巴结转移。 例2,男,72岁。因上腹部隐痛不适6个月,全身黄染20天,来院行B超检查示:慢性胆囊炎,胃镜示:慢性浅表性-返流性胃炎。给予消炎、利胆、解痉、止痛,疼痛虽能缓解,但全身黄染呈进行性加重,行CT检查示:胰头有2×3.6cm癌肿并淋巴结转移。 例3,女,50岁。因多饮、多尿、消瘦1年余,黑便3天来 1 case report 1, female, 50 years old. Repeated episodes of pain on the right upper quadrant for 3 months and radiate to the back of the right shoulder, aggravating the 10-day visit. The physical examination and B ultrasound showed: first diagnosed as chronic cholecystitis, by anti-inflammatory, gallbladder, antispasmodic, analgesic and other treatment, the symptoms can not be alleviated. Go to Liaocheng People’s Hospital consultation results with the same hospital. Gastroscopy showed: gastric fundus erosive gastritis. After taking the symptoms still can not be alleviated. The past 10 days to increase the symptoms, after eating and even more at night, could not eat, can not sleep at night, once again to the hospital hepatobiliary and pancreatic CT examination showed: pancreatic cancer and mediastinal lymph node metastasis. Example 2, male, 72 years old. Due to pain in the upper abdomen discomfort for 6 months, body yellow dye 20 days, to the hospital B-ultrasound showed: chronic cholecystitis, gastroscopy showed: chronic superficial - reflux gastritis. Given anti-inflammatory, gallbladder, antispasmodic, analgesic, although pain can be alleviated, but systemic yellow staining was progressive aggravated, line CT examination showed: pancreatic head with 2 × 3.6cm cancer and lymph node metastasis. Example 3, female, 50 years old. Due to drink more, more urine, weight loss more than 1 year, black then 3 days
1 临床资料本组资料取自本院 1990年 1月至 2 0 0 0年 1月间收治的食管癌病例共 4 0 0例 ,均经术后病理证实。其中 :男 2 56例 ,女 144例 ,年龄 2 7岁至 82岁 ,有淋巴结转移
患者 ,男性 ,37岁。因突发上腹部疼痛伴胸闷、气短、不能平卧 8d入院。入院查体 :15 0 70mmHg(1mmHg =0 .133kPa) ,颈静脉怒张 ,可见颈动脉异常搏动 ,双肺底可闻及中小水泡音 ,心尖搏动
介绍了提高低铬白口铸铁冲击韧性的正火工艺及其它途径,并分析了性能与显微组织的关系,找出了影响低铬白口铸铁冲击韧性的主要因素。 The normalizing process and other wa
患者 ,女 ,65岁。主因左耳下无痛性肿物 8年余入院。 8年前发现左耳下无痛性肿物黄豆粒大小 ,2年后增大至花生大小 ,口干、头痛发热就诊 ,诊断为干燥综合症 ,用药治疗 ,症状