Five-year follow-up of 23 asymmetrical Parkinson's disease patients treated with unilateral sub

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shulin370
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In this study, 23 asymmetrical Parkinson’s disease patients were treated with unilateral deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus and followed up for 5 years. At 5 years after stimulation treatment, Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale II, III and axial symptom scores in the off-drug condition were significantly increased compared those at baseline. However, total Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale II, III and axial symptom scores were significantly lower with stimulation-on compared with the synchronous stimulation-off state in off-drug condition, and the motor symptoms of contralateral side limbs were effectively controlled. Only low Hoehn-Yahr stage was correlated with good long-term postoperative improvement in motor symptoms. The mean levodopa-equivalent daily dose after stimulation treatment was significantly lower than that before treatment, but dyskinesias became worse. Our experimental findings indicate that unilateral deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus is an effective treatment for improving motor symptoms in well selected asymmetrical Parkinson’s disease patients presenting no severe axial symptoms and dyskinesias. In this study, 23 asymmetrical Parkinson’s disease patients were treated with unilateral deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus and followed up for 5 years. At 5 years after stimulation treatment, Unified Parkinson’s Disease Scale Scale II, III and axial symptom scores in the off- However, total Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale II, III and axial symptom scores were significantly lower with stimulation-on compared with the synchronous stimulation-off state in off-drug condition, and the motor symptoms of the contralateral side limbs were effectively controlled. Only low Hoehn-Yahr stage was correlated with good long-term postoperative improvement in motor symptoms. The mean levodopa-equivalent daily dose after treatment treatment was significantly lower than that before treatment, but dyskinesias became worse. Our experimental findings indicate that unilateral deep brain stimulation of the subthalam ic nucleus is an effective treatment for improving motor symptoms in well selected asymmetrical Parkinson’s disease patients presenting no severe axial symptoms and dyskinesias.
很多人都喜欢可爱的小猫小狗以及打扮得很可爱的小孩子,这种行为不分男女老幼。“萌”不仅让人赏心悦目,还让人获得一种力量,能提高工作效率。  研究人员邀请有48名大学生(男女各一半)参与实验,给他们看包括幼年动物、成年动物以及诱人的美食的图像,之后让参与者进行从盒子里用镊子夹细小东西的实验,如果碰到盒子壁就会触发警铃。结果显示,看过幼年动物图片的实验者不仅缩短了完成任务的时间,而且准确度也大大高于其他
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2012年12月14日,美国康涅狄格州纽顿县一所高中爆发校园枪击案,28人无辜罹难,其中20人还只是天真无邪的儿童。惨案震惊了整个美国,奥巴马总统发表讲话时数度哽咽,并下令全美下半旗致哀,美国民众陷入深深的哀思与反思之中。  与连环杀手大不同  悲剧面前,善良的人们难免会觉得伤感。但实际上,美国近年来发生过多起类似的公共场合枪击案件,比如2007年发生在弗吉尼亚理工大学的赵承熙枪杀32人案、200