Coagulation complications following trauma

来源 :Military Medical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:RHLOK007
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Traumatic injury is one of the leading causes of death, with uncontrolled hemorrhage from coagulation dysfunction as one of the main potentially preventable causes of the mortality. Hypothermia, acidosis, and resuscitative hemodilution have been considered as the significant contributors to coagulation manifestations following trauma, known as the lethal triad. Over the past decade, clinical observations showed that coagulopathy may be present as early as hospital admission in some severely injured trauma patients. The hemostatic dysfunction is associated with higher blood transfusion requirements, longer hospital stay, and higher mortality. The recognition of this early coagulopathy has initiated tremendous interest and effort in the trauma community to expand our understanding of the underlying pathophysiology and improve clinical treatments. This review discusses the current knowledge of coagulation complications following trauma. Traumatic injury is one of the leading causes of death, with uncontrolled hemorrhage from coagulation dysfunction as one of the major potentially prevent causes of the mortality. Hypothermia, acidosis, and resuscitative hemodilution have been considered as the significant contributors to coagulation manifestations following trauma, known Over the past decade, clinical observations showed that coagulopathy may be present as early as hospital admission in some severely injured trauma patients. longer hesitation dysfunction is associated with higher blood transfusion requirements, longer hospital stay, and higher mortality. recognition of this early coagulopathy has initiated tremendous interest and effort in the trauma community to expand our understanding of the underlying pathophysiology and improve clinical treatments. This review discusses the current knowledge of coagulation complications following trauma.
【摘 要】“兴趣是最好的老师。”一个人做任何事情,如果有兴趣,就会热情地去做,做事的效率就会很高,效果也会很好。语文教师要高度重视培养学生语文学习的兴趣,语文活动则是激活语文课堂的灵丹妙药,是培养学生语文学习兴趣的良好捷径。  【关键词】语文课堂 学习兴趣 激活 捷径  【中图分类号】G623.2 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】1671-1270(2014)02-0126-01  爱因斯坦担曾经