Smoother and Bayesian filter based semi-codeless tracking of dual-frequency GPS signals

来源 :Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ybingh
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To precisely determine the integrated orbit of the Chinese manned spacecraft mission,a smoother and Bayesian filter based technique for optimum semi-codeless tracking of the P(Y) code on dual-frequency GPS signals has been advanced. This signal processing technique has been proven effective and robust for affording access to dual-frequency GPS signals. This paper introduces the signal dynamics and measurement models, describes the W·D bit estimation method, and corrects the mistakes of direct estimation of W bit in current semi-codeless tracking. Median filter is chosen as a smoother to find the best measurements at the current time among the history and current information. The Bayesian filter is used to track the L2 P(Y) code phase and L2 carrier phase recursively. This is a very important part of this article, and is intended to be an integral part of the Chinese manned spacecraft mission, a smoother and Bayesian filter based technique for optimum semi-codeless tracking of the P (Y) code on dual-frequency GPS signals has been advanced. This signal processing technique has been proven effective and robust for affording access to dual-frequency GPS signals. This paper introduces the signal dynamics and measurement models, describing the W · D bit estimation method, and corrects the mistakes of direct estimation of W bit in current semi-codeless tracking. filter is chosen as a smoother to find the best measurements at the current time among the history and current information. The Bayesian filter is used to track the L2 P (Y) code phase and L2 carrier phase recursively.
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