Fire cycle of the Canada's boreal region and its potential response to global change

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cjfalx
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Interactions of fire cycle and plant species’ reproductive characteristics could determine vegetation distribution pattern of a landscape. In Canada’s boreal region, fire cycles before the Little Ice Age (c. 1850s) ranged from 30-130 years and 25-234 years afterwards until the settlement period (c. 1930s) when longer fire cycles occurred in response to climatic change and human interference. Analysis indi-cated that fire cycles were correlated with growing season (April-October) temperature and precipitation departure from the 1961-1990 nor-mal, varying by regions. Assuming that wildfires will respond to future warming similar to the manner during the past century, an assess-ment using climatic change scenarios CGCM1, CGCM2 and HadCM2 indicates fire cycles would divert to a range of 80-140 years in the west taiga shield, more than 700 years for the east boreal shield and east taiga shield, and 300-400 years for the boreal plains in 2050. Interactions of fire cycle and plant species’ reproductive characteristics could determine vegetation distribution pattern of a landscape. In Canada’s boreal region, fire cycles before the Little Ice Age (c. 1850s) ranged from 30-130 years and 25-234 years afterwards until the Settlement period (c. 1930s) when longer fire cycles occurred in response to climatic change and human interference. Analysis indi-cated that fire cycles were correlated with growing season (April-October) temperature and precipitation departure from the 1961-1990 nor-mal varying by regions. Assuming that wildfires will respond to the future warming similar to the manner during the past century, an assess-ment using climatic change scenarios, like CGCM1, CGCM2 and HadCM2 indicates fire cycles would divert to a range of 80-140 years in the west taiga shield, more than 700 years for the east boreal shield and east taiga shield, and 300-400 years for the boreal plains in 2050.
阴阳界概述    建立在土系灵根之上的阴阳界,掌派之人是阴阳法王。阴阳法王本是鬼界一异士,能来往三界、汲取五行灵力而不受天地之阻碍。阴阳法王曾因爱妾飞升为仙而带领众部下与仙界诸仙大战三年,欲夺回爱妾,诸仙不能胜之。其后阴阳法王受一神秘之人点化,偃旗息鼓率领众部下创立阴阳界,阴阳界遂威为鬼族众生修炼的庇佑之所。阴阳界技艺有成之人通称为判官,所学法术亦多走阴柔毒辣一路,但派中之人大部分却有情有义、恩怨