The Oldest McDonald's Burger in the World

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An Icelandic man who purchased the last ever Mc Donald’s meal sold before the chain closed down in the country in 2009 was stunned when he found it did not go mouldy.Iceland is one of the only countries in the world that actually has no Mc Donald’s.There used to be three branches of the fastfood chain on the island until the 2009 financial crisis made it An Icelandic man who purchased the last ever Mc Donald’s meal before the chain closed down in the country in 2009 was stunned when he found it did not go moldy. Iceland is one of the only countries in the world that actually has no Mc Donald’s. There used to be three branches of the fastfood chain on the island until the 2009 financial crisis made it
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Polyacetylene films were doped with FeCl3 and implanted with 30 k’eV K+ ions. Physical changes to the films were examined by a series of measurements, which i
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