统一思想 提高认识 开拓创新 全面推行政府采购制度——在全省政府采购工作会议上的讲话

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全省政府采购工作会议,是我省试行政府采购制度以来召开的第一次全省性会议。会前,我听取了省政府采购中心的工作情况汇报,并且召开了省政府采购协调会议,对当前和今后一段时期的政府采购工作进行了研究。这次会议的主要任务就是统一思想,提高认识,开拓创新,在全省全面推行政府采购制度。下面,我讲两点意见。一、推行政府采购制度势在必行实行政府采购制度是节约财政支出、优化支出结构、实现财政支出与市场经济接轨,从源头上防止产生腐败现象的 The provincial government procurement work conference is the province’s pilot government procurement system held since the first provincial meeting. Before the meeting, I listened to the report of the work of the provincial government procurement center, and held a meeting of the provincial government procurement coordination, the current and future period of government procurement conducted a study. The main task of this meeting is to unify our thinking, raise our awareness, blaze new trails and promote the full implementation of the government procurement system in the whole province. Now, I will give two comments. First, the implementation of the government procurement system imperative The implementation of the government procurement system is to save financial expenditure, optimize the structure of expenditure, financial expenditure and market economy, from the source to prevent the phenomenon of corruption
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