A Comparison of the Common Reasons for Choosing home—schooling in the UK and China for 5—10Year old

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  As the developing of the world education standard,a growing number of people begin to focus on how to cultivate children in the best way.Under that circumstance,a new type of education becomes one of the most current topics for the educators.That is called home-schooling.
  Petrie(1993)defined that home schooling or home education means study at home teaching by their parents instead of going to normal school.However,nowadays homeschooling is a wide conception that not limited by home or taught by their parents,it sometimes refers to non-school education.The beginning of home-schooling is very difficult to trace.Because this kind of education already exists for many years in different countries without named home-schooling.However,Taylor(2000)indicates that the United States and the United Kingdom are in advanced level in this field that they had done it in many years with legal permission.On the contrary,some Asia countries such as China and Japan are not familiar with this distinct way of education.This essay will analysis the reasons for children in the age of 5-10 and compared the motivations they choose homeschooling between the Unite Kingdom and China.
  In the United Kingdom,home-schooling is a maturity idea compared with most of other countries.The common reasons for early aged children choosing home-schooling are flexible and variable.The strongest motivations can be divided into 4 categories.
  The first one is religious values.According to Cooper (2005),over 75% parents and families who home schooling often attend religion service.The most typical example is Christians who focus on ’orthodox and conservative bible doctrine’.(Cooper,2005)On the one hand,the age of five to ten is very crucial period for the children to form their awareness.So the parents who have strong believed prefer to educate their children at home.In order to make sure the children leaning in the way they expected to.Such as the belief and living principle can be effected easily by the bad peers in school.Children in this age have no ability to resistance the distraction from the outside.Especially in the group of people who value things in different way.The aim of the choice is to cultivate children with stronger moral and spiritual base.
  The second sort of reason in the United Kingdom is that not satisfied with the public schools.Current years,the number of people who select home-schooling by this reason is increasing.That kind of dissatisfaction can be separate into three parts,there are,do not like the school curriculum,do not believe the school teachers and unsatisfied with the school facilities and environment.It is extremely crucial to find and develop talent of five to ten year old children.The curriculum choosing must suit for the children’s personality.Most educators of home education hold the opinion that study school subject is useless and waste of time.Instead of teach children by modified subject,Taylor(2000) indicated that in the UK,home educators have the right to select suitable curriculum and pedagogy.In this way,homeschooling will be helpful to choose a suitable book to explore child’s brain.In the UK,there are 20 students in primary school class shared one teacher.A group of people argue that some excellent schools,staffed by some outstanding teachers who focus on foster a child’s own characteristics to develop their potential talent.However,Webb(1999)and other teachers strongly recommend that find such a teacher or school is just a dream.School is a place contains various kinds of students.Compared with homeschooling,school’s environment is more challenging and complicated.Studying at home can avoid learn bad habits from others and parents can guide their children as the time they get lost.   The third reasons are because academic and teaching method concerns.A dozen of researchers concentrate on examine the academic achievements on the homeschooling children.Ray (1994)show that homeschooling can get more scored compared to the public school in academic fields.On the other hand,for the primary aged children,teaching method can influenced on their willingness to accept the new thing,also relate to the child’s creativity.Homeschooling provide a flexible way of learning.Such as teach a child on history subject,take them to a museum instead of using the text book.Learning is also a part of live.’Education is not the filling of a pail,but the lighting of a fire (Yeats).Everyday life will help to and make homeschooling more diversity and flexible.
  The last common reasons for the UK people choose home schooling that is family life.The perfect time for parents develop the relationship with their children is tin the early age.So homeschooling can enhance the relationship between parents and children.Woolcott(2012)illustrate homeschooling can bring the family close together and help parents truly know about their children.Time is precious; homeschooling makes more family boarding time that makes lot of UK citizen consider this kind of education.
  Compared with the United Kingdom,homeschooling is just a beginning in China.But most of home education participant are in the age of 5-12.That phenomenon can be explained by that Chinese primary school subject is easy.Without standard examination access to the secondary school,but if choose to study at home after primary school,it is very difficult for children to access in the university.The common reasons for Chinese choosing homeschool are simpler than in the United Kingdom.
  One of the strongest reasons for Chinese parents chooses such education way is poverty.The report gave by China homeschool association ask members of this association,a large amount of them answer is concern about money.As the China carry out 9 year compulsory education for many years,money still the obstacles stand in the way of education.Compulsory does not mean pay nothing.For example,the person got the first place of 2012 college entrance examination named Li JiaLe,study at home during her age of 5-12 and got the successful result.She indicates that she was forced to home education because of poverty issue.In some poor area or low income families,take the option of homeschooling sometimes be their fain decision.In china 5 years old is not old enough to go to the primary school,during this age,most of Chinese children go to the pre-school course that will cost large amount money.   The second regular reason of homeschooling in the early age in China is prepare for the further degree in the future.There is a phrase named ’Child prodigy’ which always be reported in the newspaper,which amazing young person get the offer of top ten university in China.Under the society pressure,Chinese student have to get high degree to ensure a job,in the China’s public conceptions,study early and widely will be helpful.In that circumstances,a group of considerable parents teach their children in the early age to make sure their children win at the beginning of the starting point.
  The third common reasons in China is personal reason,that included,disabled child,children with reading problem that may discriminate or abnormal treated by the others.That will lead to self-abased and influenced on students mental healthy .parents with an unstable job some personal reason like that,because in the Chinese public eyes,accept this new kind of teaching in some words can be defined take a risk.Most of the Chinese people.
  The last regular reasons in China for early aged children choose homeschool is not satisfied with the school.China daily(2005)reported that Most parents who home school their children make the decision because they do not believe their children can learn what they really need in school.
  In conclusion,by comparing this two countries,the reasons for choose home-school in the age of 5 to 10 is totally different.In the United Kingdom the common reasons are religious value,school’s dissatisfaction,academic reason and family life.But in china the proper reasons are poverty,prepare for the further degree,personal reasons and also the school dissatisfaction.Those reasons are all caused by different background and different homeschooling process of these two countries.
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