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《大学语文自学考试大纲》(新订本·含考核点)颁布至今已三年多了。在新大纲的指导下,近年来《大学语文》自学考试命题向着科学化、规范化和标准化的方向迈进,已经发生了一些引人注目的变化。然而,从1996年《大学语文》自学考试试卷来看,我省相当多的考生尚未能适应考试命题的新变化,因而未能取得理想的成绩。为了使广大考生了解《大学语文》考试中某些带有规律性的因素,掌握必要的应试技巧,笔者特对1996年《大学语文》自学考试试卷作一番评析,希望能够有助于考生改进学习方法,提高学习成效。 概括地说,近年来《大学语文》自学考试命题的新变化,主要表现在如下三个方面: 其一,考核的目标更加落实,考试的重点更加突出。《大学语文》是一门综合性很强的文化基础课。由于该课程的内容涉及面相当宽泛,教材又是由一篇篇范文联缀而成的,难以形成明显的知识理论体系,因此,给自学者带来了很大的困难。为了将考核的目标与内容具体化,新大纲不仅将考试内容限定为语言知识、文学知识,课文阅读分析和作文四个方面,而且列出了除作文以外的各个方面的具体考核点,特别是将难度较大的课文阅读分析的考核点落实到了每一篇课文。从1996年《大学语文》自学考试试卷来看,命题一般都在大纲所规定的考核点之中,只要将大? It has been more than three years since the university syllabus for self-study exams (new book, including assessment points) has been promulgated. Under the guidance of the new outline, in recent years, “college Chinese” self-study exam proposition toward the direction of science, standardization and standardization, has undergone some dramatic changes. However, from 1996 “college Chinese” self-study exam papers, a considerable number of candidates in our province have not yet been able to adapt to the new changes in the test proposition, which failed to achieve the desired result. In order to make the majority of candidates understand some regular factors in the “University Chinese” test and master the necessary examination skills, I make some comments on the 1996 College Chinese self-study test papers, hoping to help candidates improve Learning methods to improve learning outcomes. In a nutshell, the new changes in “college Chinese” self-study exams in recent years are mainly manifested in the following three aspects: First, the goal of assessment is more implemented and the examination focuses more prominently. “College Chinese” is a comprehensive basic course of culture. Due to the fact that the content of this course is quite broad and the textbook is made up of a series of articles and texts, it is difficult to form a clear theoretical system of knowledge. Therefore, it has brought great difficulties to the scholar. In order to substantiate the objective and content of the examination, the new program not only limits the content of the examination to four aspects: language knowledge, literary knowledge, text reading analysis and composition, but also lists concrete examination points in all aspects except composition, especially The more difficult text reading analysis of assessment points implemented in each of the text. From the 1996 “college language” self-examination papers point of view, propositions are generally outlined in the outline of the assessment, as long as the big?
问题 1~5岁的孩子似乎总是吃得不够,除非大人喂他,否则他不喊饿,也不想吃。然而,他的能量平衡却很好,发育也很正常,这是怎么回事? 原因虽然孩子在1岁以前,1年要长6~7千克,但1~5
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