
来源 :上海农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z_clear
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通过几年研究,明确我国酿致小麦赤霉病的病原菌,主要是禾谷镰刀菌(Fusariumgraminvarum Schw)。该菌是否存在致病专化的现象,国内外都曾进行过研究,但结论各异。坦曼(Tammen)和梅西安(Messiaen)认为,该种镰刀菌致病专化性不明显;涂治经两年田间穗部接种试验得出,该菌在不同禾谷类品种上,致病性有差异,提出至少有三个生理小种;珀斯(Purss)认为该菌中存在有致病专化类型。迄今为止这个问题尚无明确的结论。而这一问题却是植病和育种工作 Through several years of research, we have identified the pathogen causing wheat head blight in our country, mainly Fusarium graminum Schw. The existence of the bacteria pathogenic bacteria phenomenon, both at home and abroad have conducted a study, but the conclusions vary. Tammen and Messiaen believed that the pathogenicity of this Fusarium species was not obvious. After two years of spike inoculation tests, Tuzhi was found to be pathogenic in different cereals There are differences, proposed at least three physiological races; Perth (Purss) that the bacteria exist in the pathogenic type. So far there is no clear conclusion to this question. And this problem is plant disease and breeding work
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每段音乐,都有歌手或演奏者虔诚的、裹挟着饱满情绪的浮想。它们轻轻地、幽幽地从宁静的心田里飘出。打开灵魂的门窗,让这声音飘进来,一瞬间的陶醉便引出悠长无尽的回声。 E
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