
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:erwewrasfrfa
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有的专家认为,现场短新闻是“指作者深入新闻事件的现场,采写制作的一种新闻价值较高、现场感较强,篇幅短小精粹的新闻作品”。应当说,这个界定从总体上阐明了现场短新闻的基本特点。但具体到报纸、广播、电视等传播媒介,又各有其鲜明的个性特点。本文试图对电视现场短新闻的个性特点作一些探索。我认为,电视现场短新闻除了具有新闻价值高、现场感强、短小精粹等一般特点外,它最明显的特点或典型表现形式是,记者直接“出镜头”,当面向观众描述所见所闻,把观众带入事件发生的真实现场,中间穿插记者在现场对新闻人物的采访,最后由 Some experts believe that the live short news is “refers to the author in-depth news events on the scene, writing a production of news with a higher value, a strong sense of the scene, the shortest length of the news piece.” It should be said that this definition generally illustrates the basic characteristics of short news on the spot. However, specific to the newspapers, radio, television and other media, but also have their own distinct personality traits. This article attempts to make some exploration on the personality characteristics of short news on the television scene. In my opinion, in addition to its general characteristics of high news value, strong sense of presence and shortness of essence, the shortest scene on television has the most obvious characteristic or typical manifestation that the reporter directly “looks down” and faces the audience to describe what he has seen and heard , The audience into the real scene of the incident, interspersed with interlocutors in the field of news interviews, and finally by
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<正> “信息-经济迟早要出现,这是不可阻挡的趋势。因此,我们劝大家应及时对由此而引起的观念上的必然变化做好准备。”这段话是G.格尔肯(Gerken)不久前在其《信息社会中的商业前景》一文中提出的论断。近年来,类似的阐述非常多。不少学者断言,高度工业化国家正在直接向信息社会行进。德国工业联合会的最新出版物就报道说:“信息社会不再是一句空话……。如果我们站在
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