
来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Javayuyu
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A high performance Time-of-Flight detector has been designed and constructed for isochronous mass measurement at CSRe. This detector consists of a Micro-Channel Plate(MCP)detector, a thin carbon foil(≈19 μg/cm2), which will emit secondary electrons while the ions pass through, and magnet and electrodes, which generate a perpendicular electric and magnetic field to guide the secondary electrons from the foil to the MCP[1]. The signals from the MCP are recorded by a digital phosphor oscilloscope Tektronix DPO 71254, and the revolution time of the ions can be extracted. A high performance Time-of-Flight Detector has been designed and constructed for isochronous mass measurement at CSRe. This detector consists of a Micro-Channel Plate (MCP) detector, a thin carbon foil (≈19 μg / cm2), which will emit secondary electrons while the ions pass through, and magnet and electrodes, which generate a perpendicular electric and magnetic field to guide the secondary electrons from the foil to the MCP [1]. The signals from the MCP are recorded by a digital phosphor oscilloscope Tektronix DPO 71254, and the revolution time of the ions can be extracted.
The DDS (Direct Digital Synthesizer) technology has been applied in the LLRF system design of CYCIAE-14. The RF signal from DDS keeps stable after cavity therma
设计30m 跨径部分预应力小箱梁,是我公司桥梁预应力施工技术的又一进步,其具体有以下特点:(一)部分预应力的采用后张法30米预应力梁荷载下按部分预应力混凝土 A 类构件设计.