The Anti-Vibrating-Impact Research of the Piezoelectric Resonator Force Sensor

来源 :稀有金属材料与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ankang1991
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Based on the analysis of one-dimension inertial accelerometer movement model,from which the resolution of the accelerometer inertial mass displacement equation was derived,the response of the sensor sensing element to vibration and impact of various frequencies was studied.The theoretical and experimental results show that a reasonable configuration among the sensing element inherent frequency,environmental exciting frequency and the damp factors of the sensor is the key to prevent the sensor from damage.The sensor has good anti-vibrating impact ability when the relative damp factor is 0.7,and the environmental interferential vibrating frequency is less than 0.35 times of the inherent frequency of the sensing element. Based on the analysis of one-dimension inertial accelerometer movement model, from which the resolution of the accelerometer inertial mass displacement equation was derived, the response of the sensor sensing element to vibration and impact of various frequencies was studied.The theoretical and experimental results show that a reasonable configuration among the sensing element inherent frequency, environmental exciting frequency and the damp factors of the sensor is the key to prevent the sensor from damage. the sensor has good anti-vibrating impact ability when the relative damp factor is 0.7, and the environmental interferential vibrating frequency is less than 0.35 times of the inherent frequency of the sensing element.
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