Molecular cloning and expression analysis of Crustin-like gene from Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus ch

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hqchunyun
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A new member of antimicrobial protein genes of the Crustin family was cloned from haemocytes of the Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis by 3′and 5′ RACE. The full-length cDNA of Crustin-like gene contains a 390 bp open reading frame, encoding 130 amino acids. The deduced peptide contains a putative signal peptide of 17 amino acids and mature peptide of 113 amino acids. The molecular mass of the deduced mature peptide is 12.3 ku. It is highly cationic with a theoretical isoelectric point of 8.5. The deduced amino acids sequence of this Crustin showed high homology with those of Penaeus (Litopenaeus) setferus. Northern blotting showed that the cloned Crustin gene was mainly expressed in haemocytes, gill, intestine, and RNA in situ hybridization indicated that the Crustin gene was constitutively expressed exclusively in haemocytes of these tissues. Capillary electrophoresis RT-PCR analysis showed that Crustin was up-regulated dramatically from 12 to 48 h after a brief decrease of mRNA during first 6 h in response to microbe infection. The level of Crustin mRNA began to restore at 72 h post-challenge. This indicated that Crustin gene might play an important role when shrimps are infected by bacterial pathogen. A new member of antimicrobial protein genes of the Crustin family was cloned from haemocytes of the Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis by 3’and 5 ’RACE. The full-length cDNA of Crustin-like gene contains a 390 bp open reading frame, encoding 130 amino The deduced peptide contains a putative signal peptide of 17 amino acids and mature peptide of 113 amino acids. The molecular mass of the deduced mature peptide is 12.3 ku. It is highly cationic with a theoretical isoelectric point of 8.5. The deduced amino acids sequence of this Crustin showed high homology with those of Penaeus (Litopenaeus) setferus. Northern blotting showed that the cloned Crustin gene was mainly expressed in haemocytes, gill, intestine, and RNA in situ hybridization that that the Crustin gene was constitutively expressed exclusively in haemocytes of these tissues. Capillary electrophoresis RT-PCR analysis showed that Crustin was up-regulated dramatically from 12 to 48 h after a brief decrease of The level of Crustin mRNA began to restore at 72 h post-challenge. This indicates that Crustin gene might play an important role when shrimps are infected by bacterial pathogen.
从前有个年轻的乡下女子,人长得很漂亮,又读了很多书,能吟诗作对。   后来她嫁个丈夫姓冯,是个教书多年的先生。人们便称她为先生娘子。冯先生秉性憨厚,为人正直,却有点迂腐。他在刁姓蒙馆教书,当地经常有些一知半解却自以为很有才学的读书人或落第秀才,来蒙馆出难题考他,有时就是有意戏弄他,他也不生气。   这天,蒙馆的东家来找冯先生取笑,恰逢先生娘子來探望久未回家的丈夫。东家根本没把这村妇放在
像是夹在书页中的一枚叹息,轻轻地翻转,便翻转了一個季节的变迁。多少往事,多少流年,仍在你的脉管里汩汩流淌,流淌着曾经的哀愁,曾经的消瘦———瘦了眼眸,瘦了心情,瘦了季节,瘦了流年,却仍伴随着揉不碎、拧不干的记忆,汩汩流淌。   东风漫过树枝,如同纤纤的手指弹过琴弦,有一种音乐如同水的波纹一般在枝头蔓延开来。春,睁开惺忪的睡眼,眼波流转间,那娇媚的眼神,便在不经意间传递着一点点温润,最初,是一抹不易
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在我生活的赣中南,只要我目光所及,就有树的影子、草的踪迹。那些粗大的梧桐、常青的樟树、娇羞的枇杷、妩媚的柳树,还有更多的我叫不出名字的乔木灌木,生长在原野、山川、河堤、路边。春天,有姹紫嫣红的花朵;夏天,有浓郁凉爽的绿荫。   即使是那些看似貌不惊人的野草,也有着令人吃惊的娇媚。其中,最使我难忘的是芦苇和野菊花。它们往往生长在沟壑荒坡、山脊悬崖,普通、自然的在乡间随处可遇。   每当春风
爱的潮水是流淌在心底的。   它没有声音,仿佛是害羞的。   在很深的夜里,爱浅唱低吟,就只有月亮能够听见。   被爱的人还没有发现,而相思越来越浓了。望着河的对岸,爱的人真想呼喊。   时光安静地走着。一浪一浪的潮水,拍打堤坝。从涟漪到波涛,是抑制不住的念想与冲动。   就这样被折磨。堤是保護水的,也将水阻挡。不知道什么时候,水平静下来。也许是累了,也许是不自信,水
小草低于大树   不低于树的意志     尘埃细于石头   却是大地忠诚的卫士     坑洼涸了水分   渴望之心高于一切     失利的苦闷   是通往成功的动力     蜜蜂飞向花丛   馨香就会高出风景     虚假的真诚   更显其低劣与