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今年华东水灾空前严重,灾区遍及皖鲁苏各省,其中以皖北、苏北灾情最重,加之长江以北地区曾遭受蒋匪军的摧残破坏,少数地区已有个别饿死人的情况发生,战胜灾荒克服困难已成为我华东全党当前严重的任务。各级党委会,必须以高度负责的精神,协助各级人民政府在一切灾区组织群众进行生产救灾运动,在非灾区组织群众进行生产备荒运动,尽一切可能做到不饿死人,不荒地,不减少牲口,以渡过今冬明春的严重难关,并逐步地恢复和发展生产。为此,特作如下指示:第一、救灾的方针应以生产为主,结合救灾,以群众自救、社会互济为主,辅之以政府协助。应强调从恢复和发展生产中来克服灾荒。今年华东灾情最烈者为水灾,故应以工代赈,兴修水利,为救灾的主要环节。各地党委应协助各地政府依照中央人民 This flood in East China was unprecedentedly serious this year. The disaster areas covered all provinces of Anhui, Lusu, among which the worst was in northern Anhui and northern Jiangsu. In the north of the Yangtze River, Chiang Kai-shek’s army was destroyed and destroyed. In a few areas, some individual people have starved to death. To overcome difficulties in overcoming the disaster has become a grave task for all of our Party in East China. Party committees at all levels must, with a high degree of responsibility, assist people’s governments at all levels in organizing disaster relief campaigns in all the affected areas and organize mass production campaigns in non-disaster-stricken areas so that as far as possible, they will not starve to death, We will not reduce the number of livestock for the sake of weathering the grave troughs of this winter and next spring and gradually resume the development of production. To this end, special instructions are as follows: First, the guideline for disaster relief should be production-oriented, combining disaster relief with self-help by the masses and social interaction, supplemented by government assistance. Emphasis should be placed on overcoming the famine from the restoration and development of production. The hardest hit by the disaster in East China this year is floods, so they should work-for-work and build water conservancy projects, which are the major links in disaster relief. Party committees throughout the country should assist local governments in accordance with the Central People’s Government
例1 故障现象:开小音量时正常,开大音量时音圈“擦壳”,特别是使用卡拉OK功能时更严重。分析检修:有些喇叭由于使用的时间较长,特别在(大功率冲击下,音圈容易偏移中心而“擦
林女士这两天来了月经,下午上班好好的,忽然觉得有点胸闷,越来越严重,不到半小时,便连气都喘不过来了,嘴唇发紫,额头上渗出豆大的汗珠。同事们觉得不大对劲,赶快将她送到医院急诊室。  医生很快对她进行体格检查。林女士体温尚正常,血压略低,脉搏细弱而快。右侧胸部呼吸运动消失,用手指轻轻叩打,发出空响(医学上称鼓音),听诊器贴上去听不到呼吸音。医生认为可能是气胸,摄了胸部X片。果然不出所料,林女士右侧胸腔
摘要:在小学语文教学中,师生关系是否融洽,决定着语文教学课堂气氛否和谐。教师也要多给学生以鼓励和肯定的目光,同时让学生在合作与互动中学习,才能有良好的课堂气氛,从而取得较好的教学效果。  关键词:小学语文;课堂气氛;师生关系  小学语文课堂教学,创造民主、轻松、和谐、浓郁的课堂氛围,是激发学习兴趣、焕发课堂活力的前提条件。新课标强调教师由传授者转为促进者,由管理者转化为引导者,教师要摒弃“师道尊严
  目的 胰高糖素样肽1(glucagon-like peptide 1,GLP-1)受体激动剂可在细胞和动物模型上改善脂质代谢,但其在非酒精性脂肪肝中的研究报道尚不多见,因此本研究拟探讨GLP-1激