A Multi-Key Pirate Decoder Against Traitor Tracing Schemes

来源 :Journal of Computer Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdyan297
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In this paper we introduce an architecture for a multi-key pirate decoder which employs decryption keys from multiple traitors.The decoder has built-in monitoring and self protection functionalities and is capable of defeating most multiple-round based traitor tracing schemes such as the schemes based on the black-box confirmation method.In particular, the proposed pirate decoder is customized to defeat the private key and the public key fully collusion resistant traitor tracing (FTT) schemes,respectively.We show how the decoder prolongs a trace process so that the tracer has to give up his effort. FTT schemes are designed to identify all the traitors.We show that decoder enables the FTT schemes to identify at most 1 traitors.Finally,assuming the decoder is embedded with several bytes of memory,we demonstrate how the decoder is able to frame innocent users at will. In this paper we introduce an architecture for a multi-key pirate decoder which enables decryption keys from multiple traitors. The decoder has built-in monitoring and self protection functionalities and is capable of defeating most multiple-round based traitor tracing schemes such as the schemes based on the black-box confirmation method.In particular, the proposed pirate decoder is customized to defeat the private key and the public key fully collusion resistant traitor tracing (FTT) schemes, respectively. We show how the decoder prolongs a trace process so that the tracer has to give up his effort. FTT schemes are designed to identify all the traitors. We show that the decoder enables the FTT schemes to identify at most 1 traitors. Finaally, assuming the decoder is embedded with several bytes of memory, we demonstrate how the decoder is able to frame innocent users at will.
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这个开学季,对宁波市宁海县胡陈乡的女孩谢云霞而言,有着不一样的意义。她用自己筹集到30余万元善款,为四川凉山一所希望小学建了一间食堂。多年来这所小学的大部分孩子中午不是饿着肚子,就是盐巴拌冷饭,终于可以吃上一顿热腾腾的午饭了。  支教是谢云霞一直都想做的一件事,于是趁着年轻,她毅然辞去了某公司总裁助理这份优渥的工作,通过网络联系了四川凉山州美姑县某小学的校长,表达了自己想要去支教的意愿。谈妥后,2