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为了巩固改革成果,扫清改革障碍,真正建立起适应社会主义商品经济发展的新环境、新秩序,应借此次“治理,整顿”之机,首先解决好以下几个方面的问题: 1、现金流量问题。近来有些地方现金交易吃香、转帐结算冷落,这种现象给手中掌握着紧缺商品物资的“倒爷”们以非法牟利之机,致使一些企业只好千方百计坐支贷款,凑足现金上万元甚至几十万元参与“原材料大战”,结果大量现金落入“倒爷”腰包,企业叫苦不迭,国家税收减少,尤其是大量现金转化为消费基金充斥市场,引起物价波动,消费者怨声载道。控制现金流量既是治乱的方法,也是取缔“倒爷”的重要手段之一。目前,既要在“三查”中重点查处大额现金交易,还要采取有效措施控制现金流量。银行要严格控制现金支取范围和标准,严禁企业坐支销贷款,促进货币回笼。 In order to consolidate the achievements of the reform, clear the obstacles to the reform, and truly establish a new environment and a new order that can be adapted to the development of the socialist commodity economy, we should take the opportunity of “governing and rectifying” to solve the following problems first: Cash flow problems. In recent days, cash transactions have been popular in some places and the settlement of accounts has been neglected. This phenomenon has given illegitimate profit-making opportunities to “pour Gods” who hold the shortage of goods and materials. As a result, some enterprises have resorted to every possible means to borrowing their loans to make up for tens of thousands of dollars in cash or even hundreds of thousands Yuan participated in the “raw material war”. As a result, a large amount of cash fell into the “inverted God” pockets. As a result, enterprises complained bitterly that state taxes were reduced. In particular, large amounts of cash were converted into consumer funds flooding the market, causing price fluctuations and consumers complaining. Control of cash flow is not only a method of chaos, but also an important means of banning “pour God”. At present, it is necessary to investigate and deal mainly with large cash transactions in the “third inspection” and take effective measures to control cash flow. Banks should strictly control the scope and standards of cash withdrawal and strictly prohibit enterprises from spending on sales of loans and promote the return of money.