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根据我們对高溫作业工人所进行的出汗量及需盐量的一般观察結果,除个別劳动强度极繁重的工作外,一班时间平均出汗量均在5千克以下。对于这类工作的工人,按上海一带的飲食习慣,每餐有一个菜,每日膳食內进盐量平均为12克,以24小时平均尿盐量来看如不再补充食盐,也已足够;但出汗量的个别差異很大,对个别出汗多的人是否足够,在前一报告內未加肯定,因此有必要在現場中作进一步的观察。 Based on our general observations of sweat volume and salt demand for workers exposed to high temperatures, except for a few work-intensive tasks, the average amount of sweat per hour was below 5 kilograms. For such workers, according to Shanghai’s diet, each meal has a dish, the average daily intake of salt in an average of 12 grams, with a 24-hour average amount of salt to see if no additional salt, it has been However, the individual differences in sweating volume are very large. For those who sweat more than enough, they were not affirmed in the previous report. Therefore, it is necessary to make further observations in the field.
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<正> 在纪念毛泽东同志诞辰一百周年之际,图书馆界面对社会文化事业发展的新形势,进一步深入研究毛泽东与图书馆这一历史课题,有着特殊的纪念意义。毛泽东是一位集政治家、军