Improvement of S/N ratio of seismic data by hyperbolic filter algorithm

来源 :Global Geology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fxyygs99
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This paper deals with the implementation of the hyperbolic filter algorithm for noise suppression of seismic data. Known the velocity of reflection event, utilizes the resemblance of reflection signal in each seismic trace, the hyperbolic filter algorithm is effective in enhance reflection event and suppress the random noise. This algorithm is used to CDP gathers also is compared with the algorithm of τ-p transform. Simulation shows the hyperbolic filter is effective and better than τ-p transform. This paper deals with the implementation of the hyperbolic filter algorithm for noise suppression of seismic data. Known the velocity of reflection event, utilizes the resemblance of reflection signal in each seismic trace, the hyperbolic filter algorithm is effective in enhancing reflection event and suppress the random noise. This algorithm is used to CDP gathers also is compared with the algorithm of τ-p transform. Simulation shows the hyperbolic filter is effective and better than τ-p transform.
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