
来源 :江西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aquariuszh
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第一条本规则所称危险物品系指较易于燃烧易于爆炸及易于浸蚀之货物而言第二条危险货物如汽油火柴之类以装于铁驳或内燃机之货轮为原则但木驳及其他船只经由航政局检验核准并监督装载后始可放行第三条机炉舱前后两货舱不准装载危险物品内燃机轮船其隔舱有防 Article 1 The term “dangerous goods” as mentioned in these Rules refers to goods which are easy to be combusted and which are easy to explode and erode. Article 2 Dangerous goods such as petrol and diesel are based on the principle of cargo ships fitted on iron barges or internal combustion engines but the wood barges and others Vessels may be released after being approved by the navigation bureau and supervised and loaded. Article 3 Before and after the furnace space No cargoes are allowed to be loaded on dangerous goods.
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The processes of the pulse transformation in satellite laser ranging (SLR) are analyzed, the analytical expressions of the transformation are deduced, and the e
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引言(Introduction)William E.Laing Conoco (S8.1)静校正和波的对比:横渡勘探中的两个重要问题 (Statics solutions and Event Corre-lations:Two Critical Aspects ofShea
对毛白杨双杂交无性系la生苗木叶片解剖构造、离体叶片失水率、组织细胞质膜透性进行了测定比较。用这3项指标对各无性系叶片保水力进行了综合评判,并对各指标进行了评价。 The