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1982—1984年在辽宁兴城种子园,3年的观测表明,49个无性系花期早晚和长短有较大差别。这与无性系本身的特性、花期前的积温、花期内的温度和湿度以及球花着生部位等有关。由于种子园中有部分无性系花期不遇,由此減少的杂交组合至少在1/10以上。嫁接后第九年雌球花产量较上年成倍增加,到第10年总产量仍持续上升,但早期结实量大于平均水平的约30%无性系,雌球花产量已有下降趋势。 迄今种子园中开花株数和雄球花产量稳定增长,多数无性系植株平均着花量约在700个上下,但仍有约半数无性系的1/3植株尚未开雄球花。种子园中花粉量不足,每公顷约产花粉2.8—3.7公斤,且种子园各无性系花粉比例极不平衡,5个无性系的雄花量占总量的一半以上。 Three years of observation at the Xingcheng Seed Orchard in Liaoning Province from 1982 to 1984 showed that 49 clones had different flowering dates and their lengths. This is related to the clonal characteristics, the accumulated temperature before florescence, the temperature and humidity during flowering, and the flower-bearing parts. As some of the clones in the seed orchard do not flowering, thus reducing the hybrid combination of at least 1/10 or more. The ninth year after grafting, the yield of female flowers increased exponentially compared with the previous year. By the tenth year, the total output still continued to rise. However, the yield of female flowers was declining when the early seedling weight was higher than the average of about 30%. So far, the number of flowering plants and the male flowers in the seed orchard have been increasing steadily. The average clonal population of most clones is about 700, but about one-third of the clones still have not had the flowers of the male flowers. In the seed orchard, the amount of pollen is deficient, about 2.8-3.7 kg per hectare of pollen, and the proportion of pollen in clonal germplasm in the seed orchard is extremely unbalanced. The male flowers of 5 clones account for more than half of the total.
国籍:意大利,位置:守门员出生:1942年2月28日生于意大利身高:1.85公尺体重75公斤交力过的球队:以球员身份效力过乌迪内斯队,曼托瓦队,那不勒斯队,尤文图斯 Nationality: Ita
对象:“出国考察”公务员过程:2008年11月21日,“魑魅魍魉2009”偶然在上海轨道交通2号线的等车座位上捡到一个文件袋,里面的资料全是有关出国考察的文件, Object: “overs
红先胜: 炮九进七车3退7 车一进二士5退6炮三进三士6进5 炮三退六士5退6炮三平五车8平5 帅五平四将5进1车一退一将5退1 车一平四车3平1车四进一将5进1 车四退一将5退1马二进