Pillared layered transition metal oxides

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daiap
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This paper reviews the recent progress in the synthesis and application of pillared transition metal oxides during the last decade, mainly concerning the synthetic methods, structures, physical properties and catalytic appli-cations of the layered transition metal oxides pillared by inorganic oxides. The factors and their affecting regularity in the process of preparation, and some important results ob-tained in the catalytic application studies are summarized. Finally, a prospect on the potential new directions in this research area is also presented. This paper reviews the recent progress in the synthesis and application of pillared transition metal oxides during the last decade, mainly on the synthetic methods, structures, physical properties and catalytic appli-cations of the layered transition metal oxides pillared by inorganic oxides. The factors and their affecting regularity in the process of preparation, and some important results ob-tained in the catalytic application studies are summarized. Finally, a prospect on the potential new directions in this research area is also presented.
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