
来源 :统计研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:q84564308
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Economic globalization is readjusting the structure of production through the global operation of TNCs under the whole world,which based on new science and technology development.The process of involving economic globalization is the course that every country’s economy is in harmony with global production system step by step and comes into world economic cycle continually.It makes the measurement of the extent of an economic unit involving economic globalization must use an index system including all the content of involving the world economic cycle.This paper builds up the comprehensive evaluate function through an index system 15 indexes concerning production,investment,commerce and finance,using the principal component analysis method and works out the comprehensive scores of 16 countries including China.Using the hierarchical clustering method,we can define the extent of different countries involving economic globalization on quantity. Economic globalization is readjusting the structure of production through the global operation of TNCs under the whole world, which based on new science and technology development. The process of involving economic globalization is the course that every country’s economy is in harmony with global production system step by step and comes into the world economic cycle continually. It makes the measurement of the extent of an economic unit involving economic globalization must use an index system including all the content of involving the world economic cycle.This paper builds up the comprehensive evaluate function through an index system 15 indexes concerning production, investment, commerce and finance, using the principal component analysis method and works out the comprehensive scores of 16 countries including China. Using the hierarchical clustering method, we can define the extent of different countries involving economic globalization on quantity.
小鼠原位膀胱癌模型能模拟肿瘤的生物微环境 ,为研究浅表膀胱癌的治疗方法提供了可能。作者利用绿色荧光蛋白 (GFP)转染细胞 ,通过检测裸鼠膀胱癌模型尿液中是否存在表达GFP
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蓑衣黎 (Castanopsis kawakamii Hayata)、吊皮锥、赤枝栲、吊皮黎、青钩栲,属壳斗科,常绿大乔木,是封开县黑石顶自然保护区的主要树种之一,树干高大通直,高达30—35米,胸径
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