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一、前言龙口矿区位于山东半岛北部,交通靠公路和海运。半岛地区自然资源丰富,工农业较为发达,长期以来能源紧张,限制了国民经济发展和人民生活提高。矿区的开发对改变山东煤炭工业布局、对烟台地区国民经济发展,具有重要的经济意义。龙口矿区产褐煤和油页岩。褐煤水分大,挥发分高,燃点低,易风化,不宜长途运输和长期储存。油页岩含油率高,在国内外也是少有的富矿。由于矿区所处的地理位置和煤炭特征,适合于就地转化为二次能源。把矿区建成煤、电、气、油、化工联合经营的新型矿区是十分必要的。二、当前煤、电存在的问题龙口矿区按批准的总体设计能力为510万吨/年。为了合理地利用资源,在国家统筹安排下,相应地建设了龙口坑口发电厂,设计装机容量60万 KW,年消耗燃料褐煤和油页岩283~300万吨,由矿区西部北皂和梁家 I. Foreword Longkou Mine is located in the northern part of Shandong Peninsula, with its transportation by road and sea. The peninsula is rich in natural resources and has a relatively developed industry and agriculture. For a long time, energy has been tense, limiting the development of the national economy and improving people’s living standards. The development of mining area has great economic significance for changing the layout of Shandong coal industry and for the national economic development in Yantai. Longkou mine area produces lignite and oil shale. Lignite moisture, volatile high, low ignition, easy to weathering, long-distance transport and long-term storage should not be. Oil shale oil content is high, at home and abroad are rare bonanza. Due to the geographical location and coal characteristics of the mining area, it is suitable for conversion into secondary energy in situ. The mine built into coal, electricity, gas, oil, chemical joint operation of the new mining area is very necessary. Second, the current problems of coal, electricity Longkou mining area according to the approved overall design capacity of 5.1 million tons / year. In order to make rational use of resources, under the state’s overall arrangement, a corresponding Longkou Haukou power plant has been designed with an installed capacity of 600,000 KW. The annual consumption of fuel lignite and oil shale is 2.8-3.3 million tons.
我们先来看新闻报道中的两段话: 1、第二天,记者再次来到东方村。该村村长说,黄杏初从广州治愈回来后,他还特意去探望,村里并没人歧视他家。 2、巫山碚石是重庆库区首淹镇,
本文详述了新汶、兖州、开滦等矿务局试验应用以侧卸式装岩机配套的机械化作业线掘进岩巷的情况,并介绍了主要配套机械设备。 This paper details the tunnel boring and dr
我国矿山设备管理体制中只抓维护检修而不重视买,用,更,改,造等环节,阻碍了技术进步。文章以浏阳磷矿为例揭露其中存在的问题,并提出一些建议。 China’s mining equipment
在棉铃发育过程中 ,转基因抗虫杂交棉1 0 2增产的主要原因为铃重提高。单铃籽棉重的提高是纤维和种子的同步增加 ,一是纤维干重的提高 ,1 997~ 1 998两年平均转基因抗虫杂交棉
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