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经李克强总理签批,国务院印发《中国制造2025》并于5月19日对外正式公布。这是我国实施制造强国战略第一个十年行动纲领。从《中国制造2025》发布的规格、参与编写的政府机构、涉及的内容来看,《中国制造2025》不是一般意义上的中长期发展规划,而是兼顾当前和长远、兼顾战略和战术的一个国家级行动计划。由工信部会同国家发改委、科技部、财政部、质检总局、工程院联合编制;对于什么是《中国制造2025》,工信部罕见地在官网上连发七篇解读;总体来说中央政府层面的重视程度不亚于“互联网+”。 Upon the approval of Premier Li Keqiang, the State Council printed and distributed “Made in China 2025” and officially announced it on May 19th. This is the first decade of China’s implementation of the strategy of building a powerful nation. From the specifications published in “Made in China 2025” and the government agencies involved in the compilation, the content of “Made in China 2025” is not a medium- and long-term development plan in the general sense but a strategy that takes both current and long-term strategic and tactical considerations into account National Action Plan. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in conjunction with the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Finance, AQSIQ, Engineering Institute jointly prepared; for what is “Made in China 2025”, the Ministry of Industry rare in the official website of the seven Interpretation; Overall level of central government attention As much as “Internet + ”.
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1放下自己每天问问自己:放不下的是什么?找到自己的条条框框,去打破它!这个团队不会笑话真诚的人,相反,必须放弃那些抱着自己的感受不放的人。 1 Drop yourself and ask you