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在过去的几十年里,德育工作者一直遵循着一种高尚的理想主义道德教育标准,采用的是自上而下的注入式教育方式,以达到德育目标的“高远脱俗性”。这样的教育目标缺乏科学性和层次性,往往忽视人的个性发展,忽视良好的心理品质的培养,给予学生的是抽象的真理与僵化的政治教条,加之德育内容总在随政治形势而改变,缺乏对学生进行做人的指导,导致学生走向社会后感到处处不适应。目前,置身于市场经济的改革大潮,我们国家在经济与道德问题上也出现了难解的“二律背反”。如果经济的腾飞,现代化的实现,要伴着道德的沦丧,文化的失落,那么这种代价未免太沉重了,面对现实,不仅市场上伪劣假冒、坑蒙拐骗比比皆是,而且整个社会的豪华奢侈、好大喜功、以权谋私、弄虚作假之风盛行,尤其贪污受贿、卖淫嫖娼、抢劫吸毒等社会恶性犯罪屡禁不止,这种严峻的社会环境给德育工作带来空前的冲击和挑战。 面对上述问题,由辽源市教科所发起了多省市协作研究中华民族传统美德教育实验。这项实验研究是全国教育科学“八五”期间规划研究课题。中华民族传统美德,概括起来说:就是中华民族优秀道德品质、优良民族精神、崇高民族气节、高尚民族情感、良好民族习 In the past few decades, moral educators have always followed a noble standard of idealistic moral education, using a top-down, injection-based approach to education to achieve “lofty aspirations” of moral education. Such educational goals lack scientific and hierarchical nature, often neglecting individual personality development, neglecting the cultivation of good psychological qualities, giving students abstract truths and rigid political dogmas. In addition, the content of moral education always changes with the political situation, The lack of guidance for students in life makes students feel uncomfortable everywhere they go to society. At present, we are exposed to the tide of reform in the market economy. Our country has also appeared in the economic and moral issues with an irrefutable “antinomy.” If economic take-off and modernization are accompanied by moral decay and cultural loss, then such a price would be too heavy. In the face of reality, not only counterfeit and absurdities on the market but also abuses are widespread and the social decency In particular, corruption, bribery, prostitution, drug robbery and other social vicious crimes have been repeatedly banned. Such a harsh social environment has brought unprecedented challenges and impact to moral education. Faced with the above problems, the Liaoyuan City Institute of Education launched a number of provinces and cities collaborative study of traditional Chinese virtues education experiment. This experimental study is the planning and research project for the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” of Education Science throughout the country. The traditional virtues of the Chinese nation can be summed up as follows: that is, the excellent moral character of the Chinese nation, the fine national spirit, the noble national integrity, the noble national emotion, the good ethnic habits
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