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   When people visit their local family-owned pumpkin patch around Halloween, they aren’t usually looking for dinner. The majority of the nearly 2 billion pounds of pumpkins cultivated in the US each year are carved up instead of eaten, making the squash a unique part of the agriculture industry. For people who prefer seasonal recipes to decorations, that may raise a few questions: Are the pumpkins sold for jack-o’-lanterns different from pumpkins sold as food? And are Halloween pumpkins any good to eat?
   The pumpkins available at farms and outside supermarkets during October are what most people know, but that’s just one type of pumpkin. Howden pumpkins are the most common decorative pumpkin variety. They’ve been bred specifically for carving into jack-o’-lanterns, with a symmetrical round shape, deep orange color, and sturdy stem that acts as a handle.
   Because they’re bred to be decoration first, carving pumpkins don’t taste very good. They have walls that are thin enough to poke a cheap knife through and a texture that’s unappealing compared to the squashes consumers are used to eating. “Uncut carving pumpkins are safe to eat; however, it’s not the best type to use for cooking,” Daria McKelvey, a supervisor for the Kemper Center for Home Gardening at the Missouri Botanical Garden, tells Mental Floss. “Carving pumpkins are grown for their large size, not the flavor. Their flesh can be bland and the fibers are very stringy.”
   To get the best-tasting pumpkins possible this autumn, you’re better off avoiding the seasonal supermarket displays. Many pumpkin varieties are bred especially for cooking and eating. These include Sugar Pie, Kabocha, and Cinderella pumpkins. You can shop for these varieties by name at local farms or in the produce section of your grocery store. They should be easy to tell apart from the carving pumpkins available for Halloween: Unlike decorative pumpkins, cooking pumpkins are small and dense. This is part of the reason they taste better. McKelvey says. “[Cooking pumpkins] are smaller, sweeter, have a thicker rind (meatier), and have less fibers, making them easier to cook with—but not so good for carving.” These pumpkins can be stuffed, blended into soup, or simply roasted.
   If you do want to get some culinary use out of your carving pumpkins this Halloween, set aside the seeds when scooping out the guts. Roasted with seasonings and olive oil, seeds (or pepitas) from different pumpkin varieties become a tasty and nutritious snack. Another option is to turn the flesh of your Halloween pumpkin into purée. Adding sugar and spices and baking it into a dessert can do a lot to mask the fruit’s underwhelming flavor and consistency.    Whatever you do, make sure your pumpkin isn’t carved up already when you decide to cook with it. There are many ways to recycle your jack-o’-lanterns, but turning them into pie isn’t one of them. “If one does plan on cooking with a carving pumpkin, it should be intact,” McKelvey says. “Never use one that’s been carved into a jack-o’-lantern, otherwise you could be dealing with bacteria, dirt and dust, and other little critters.”
   因为这种雕刻南瓜首先是用来做装饰物,因此味道不是特别好。它们的南瓜壁足够薄,廉价的小刀也可以轻易地插进去,它们的质地相比消费者常吃的那种南瓜来说也更不讨喜。密苏里植物园肯珀家庭园艺中心的主管达莉亚·麦凯尔维告诉Mental Floss网站说:“没有动过刀的雕刻南瓜也可以安全食用,但不是上好的食材。种植雕刻南瓜要的是它们的大个头,而不是味道。它们的果肉滋味寡淡,纤维多,口感很粗糙。”
  Teacher: Here are two birds, one is a swallow, the other is sparrow. Now who can tell us which is which?
  Student: I cannot point out but I know the answer.
  Teacher: Please tell us.
  Student: The swallow is beside the sparrow and the sparrow is beside the swallow.
  老师: 这儿有两只鸟,一只是麻雀。谁能指出哪只是燕子,哪只是麻雀吗?
摘 要:课例欣赏的目的是让教师学习、感悟,以提高教学效果,而不是机械模仿。教学是一门艺术,在这些教学艺术中,体现着教师无穷的智慧,谱写着师生共同成长的一曲曲赞歌,享受着教与学的快乐和幸福。  关键词:小学数学课程;课例欣赏;抽象思维  中图分类号:G623.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-010X(2011)01-0051-02    大多示范课和优质课都是经过精心准备的、比较优秀的课例,
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摘要:科学精神是人们在长期的科学实践活动中形成的共同信念、价值标准和行为规范的总称。科学精神是由科学性质所决定并贯穿于科学活动之中的基本的精神状态和思维方式,是体现在科学知识中的思想和理念。在科学课教学中,要从简单的实验开始,培养学生的科学精神。  关键词:小学科学;科学精神;科学探究  中图分类号:G623.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-010X(2011)02-0058-03    
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摘要:超越传统教学的定位,从诗人个人情感与中国节日文化的融合处解读《九月九日忆山东兄弟》,还能读出作者对于健康、吉祥、团圆生活的思念与渴望。放大这个文化视角,能够为教师与学生开启一扇门打开一扇窗,更加高品质地享受中国古诗文。  关键词:小学语文;古诗解读;文化视角  中图分类号:G623.23 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-010X(2011)12-0022-02  《九月九日忆山东兄弟》这
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关键词:小学科学课程;实验教学;电铃响丁当;教学实录评析;组织引领方法  中图分类号:G623.6 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1009-010X(2010)06-0063-02    《九年义务教育全日制科学课程标准》3~6年级的“基本理念”中指出:“教师是科学学习活动的组织者、引领者和亲密伙伴。”科学课程教师在教学中,应努力贯彻这一基本理念,促进学生“三维目标”的有效发展。  在实际教学中,教师