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“未预见的发展”是GATT第19条设定的保障措施实施条件之一,与条约法上的“情势不变条款”既有相同之处,也有明显差异。《保障措施协议》与GATT第19条并不存在冲突,故该条款不能被取消适用;相反,按照有效解释原则,该条款应被赋予实质意义。该条款是指成员方在关税减让谈判时所未预见的之后的情形。在WTO争端解决实践中,该条款实际上是作为一项独立条件予以适用的。WTO成员方在实施保障措施之前,必须对该条款予以证明。 “Unforeseen developments” is one of the conditions for the implementation of the safeguards set forth in Article 19 of the GATT. There are both commonalities and significant differences with the “unchanged conditions” in the law of treaties. The Safeguards Agreement does not conflict with Article 19 of the GATT and therefore the provision can not be de-applied; on the contrary, the provision should be given substance in accordance with the principle of effective interpretation. This clause refers to the situation after the member has not been foreseen at the time of the tariff concession negotiation. In the WTO dispute settlement practice, the clause is actually applied as an independent condition. WTO members must implement the safeguard measures before this clause must be proved.
近年来,我国从美国LI-COR 公司购进了数十台LI-1600稳态气孔计。但由于一些单位对仪器性能不够了解,使仪器未能发挥其应有的作用。本文就作者近年使用该仪器的一些体会作简
一、 we students还是us students  英语中既可以说we students,也可以说us students,两者意思一样(均表示“我们学生”),但用法不一样,前者用作主语,后者用作宾语。如:  We students must be polite to teachers. 我们学生必须对老师有礼貌。  It?蒺s the same with us students. 我们学生也
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怎样用好苏教版中学数学教材  张吉荣  【摘要】我们要不断更新教学观念,改进教学模式,在遵循教学规律的同时,用好新教材,结合学生的特点进行教学,并尽可能创造性地使用教材,努力提高教学质量,促进学生的学习能力等方面的发展,促进教育教学改革活动的深入开展。  【关键词】苏科版新教材 学习兴趣 实际教学  【中图分类号】G423  【文献标识码】A  【文章编号】1006——5962(2012)01(a
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