Interface Characterization of the SiCp/Al Composites Made by Powder Metallurgy

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zilianyy
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The interface of the SiCp/Al composites produced by powder metallurgy processing involving hotpressing above the matrix solidus temperature has been investigated by means of TEM. Several kinds of interfaces between the reinforcements and the matrix in the composite, including the clean interfaces, the faceted interfaces and the slight reaction intedeces, are presented. And most of interfaces belong to the slight reaction interfaces which are composed of the Al with different orientation from the Al matrix near the interface zone and particte-like substances produced by MgAl2O4 spinels and impurities The interface of the SiCp / Al composites produced by powder metallurgy processing with hotpressing above the matrix solidus temperature has been investigated by means of TEM. Several kinds of interfaces between the reinforcements and the matrix in the composite, including the clean interfaces, the faceted interfaces and the slight reaction intedeces, are presented. And most of interfaces belong to the slight reaction interfaces which are composed of the Al with different orientation from the Al matrix near the interface zone and partic-like substances produced by MgAl2O4 spinels and impurities
[案例] 1986年10月,高莉莉就任上海金沙江大酒店公关部经理时,酒店还默默无闻。1987年秋,高小姐从她的记者朋友处得知,著名的日本影星中野良子将携她的新婚丈夫来北京、上海