Increased plasma levels of Lp(a) enhance the development of coronary atherosclerosis

来源 :沈阳药科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:as5881348
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Objective To test the hypothesis that increased plasma levels of Lp(a)may enhance the development of atherosclerosis in the setting of hypercholesterolemia.Methods The plasma Lp(a)was analyzed by SDS-PAGE Western blotting and quantitated using specific ELISA kits.Plasma total cholesterol,triglycerides and HDL-cholesterol were determined using Wako assay kits.The left coronary artery was used for the evaluation of coronary atherosclerosis(stenosis %).For quantitative study of the lesions in coronary atherosclerosis,hematoxylin-eosin and Elastica-van Gieson staining were used.To study cellular components(SMC vs.macrophages)and Lp(a)deposits in the lesions,immunohistochemical staining was performed and then image analysis system was used.Results Plasma total cholesterol,triglycerides,or HDL-C were not significantly different between transgenic(Trg)and nontransgenic(nonTrg)rabbits.Trg rabbits had 200% increase in coronary stenosis caused by atherosclerosis.The lesions of Trg WHHL rabbits contained more SMCs and less macrophage than those of nonTrg WHHL rabbits.Conclusions The results suggest that increased plasma levels of Lp(a)enhance the development of coronary atherosclerosis. Objective To test the hypothesis that increased plasma levels of Lp (a) may enhance the development of atherosclerosis in the setting of hypercholesterolemia. Methods The plasma Lp (a) was analyzed by SDS-PAGE Western blotting and quantitated using specific ELISA kits. Plasma total cholesterol, triglycerides and HDL-cholesterol were determined using Wako assay kits. The left coronary artery was used for the evaluation of coronary atherosclerosis (stenosis%). For quantitative study of the lesions in coronary atherosclerosis, hematoxylin-eosin and Elastica-van Gieson staining were used. To study cellular components (SMC vs. macrophages) and Lp (a) deposits in the lesions, immunohistochemical staining was performed and then image analysis system was used. Results Plasma total cholesterol, triglycerides, or HDL-C were not significantly different between transgenic (Trg) and nontransgenic (nonTrg) rabbits.Trg rabbits had 200% increase in coronary stenosis caused by atherosclerosis.The lesions of Trg WHHL rabbits c ontained more SMCs and less macrophage than those of nonTrg WHHL rabbits. Conclusions The results suggest that increased plasma levels of Lp (a) enhance the development of coronary atherosclerosis.
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