
来源 :建筑机械化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baoyw00
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庞大复杂的建筑精品呼唤性能卓越、安全可靠的优质建筑机械 ,而及时快捷的售后保修体系又是优质设备正常运行的技术保障 ,那么如何满足来自天涯海角急切的求救呢 ?传统的遣人乘车奔波已无法满足快节奏高效率的现代化社会需求 ,下一个世纪的售后保修服务不应无视新世纪的宠儿— The large and complex architectural products call for excellent performance, safe and reliable high-quality construction machinery, and the timely and efficient after-sales warranty system is the technical guarantee for the normal operation of high-quality equipment. How to meet the urgency from the ends of the earth? It has been unable to meet the fast-paced, high-efficiency and modern social needs. The after-sale warranty service in the next century should not ignore the darling of the new century.
介绍此种承轨梁施工中机具选用、模板设计、砼浇筑以及材料配比等技术措施。 Introduce the technical measures such as the selection of tool, template design, concret
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介绍建筑物不很高的情况下 ,设在建筑物中间的塔机的拆卸方法及机具的选用 Introduction to the case of buildings is not very high, the tower located in the middle of