Read for fun 趣味阅读等

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  The tortoise(乌龟)Cleopatra will not be sad any more. She was not well and her shell (壳) was badly hurt. Roger Henry, a college student in the USA, printed(打印)a new plastic(塑料的) shell for her using a 3-D printer. Cleopatra may grow up to three times of her size now. She will need a new shell in the next few years.
  This tiny(极小的)and cute animal is Ili Pika(伊犁鼠兔). It is more rare(稀少的)than pandas. For the first time in 20 years, people found them again. The animals only live on Tianshan Mountain in Ili, Xinjiang. Chinese scientist Li Weidong found them there. Scientists say there are less than 1,000 Ili Pikas in the world now.
  Like Spiderman (蜘蛛侠), Andy Lewis performed a great show with a giant web. The web was about 122 meters above the Utah desert(犹他沙漠)in the USA, just like a giant spider web. He even jumped across the hole(孔)in the web. He hung (悬挂) on the rope by his legs. And he also walked the rope. Lewis said it was a great task and they did so well.Lewis also holds the world record for walking the longest urban high line(架空索).
  In the movie Harry Potter, Harry pushes(推)his luggage into Platform(站台)Nine and Three Quarters. Now this platform is at the real King’s Cross Station in central London. The movie has come true! They built the luggage half in the wall. People just need to pretend(假装)to push. Mark Williams(Ron’s father in the movie)had the first try!
  The year of 2015 is going to be one with great movies. Superheroes(超级英雄), dinosaurs(恐龙)are waiting for you. Which one do you want to see most?
  In the movie series, there are mutants(变种人). Some of them are bad and they kill people. But some are good. They protect(保护)poor people and call themselves Avengers. Now the Avengers meet a new enemy(敌人): Ultron. Ultron is a robot(机器人). The Iron Man, one of the Avengers, made it to keep world peace. But later, Ultron starts to think for itself and wants to kill everyone. The Avengers, of course, won’t let that happen.
  What will happen if dinosaurs come back to life? In the movie Jurassic World, we get to find out. Some scientists(科学家)put genes(基因)of different dinosaurs together and made new ones. And they put the new dinosaurs in the theme park, Jurassic World. But it seems the dinosaurs are difficult to control(控制). What will happen to the visitors there?   TFboys与你分享成名后的趣事
  Two years after their debut(初次登台), Chinese boy band TFboys released their new single Young on April 10.
  In a short period of time, the three teenagers have released three albums and become popular, earning millions of fans on social media. But as their new song’s title suggests, they are still very young: Wang Junkai is 15; Wang Yuan and Yi Yangqianxi are 14. Has early fame influenced(影响) their lives?
  They do miss some classes due to promotions(宣传)and shootings(拍摄), usually one or two days a week, according to Wang Yuan. They’d make it up by taking extra classes or hiring a tutor(请家教).
  Most friends also treat them as one of them, except some who ask for autographed photos (签名照), said Yi.
  But since becoming famous, funny things have happened now and then.
  Once when Wang Yuan and his classmate came out of school, they saw a bus with a big photo of him on pass by. It was a gift for his birthday from his fans.
  “It was sweet,”said Wang Yuan.“But I quickly got embarrassed(尴尬的)since my classmates started to joke about it.”
  Wang Junkai is bothered(困扰的)by his fans who often take pictures of him while he’s doing morning exercises on the school playground.
  “The exercise is a bit awkward (笨拙的),” he said. “I must be very strange and ugly in the pictures.”
  Although quite busy, the three boys are happy about their current life. What expectations (期望)do they have when they are 20 years old?
  They aim to become taller, more knowledgeable and handsome by then, the boys said.
芹菜的话:这篇文章是一个初一的男生推荐给芹菜看的,他推荐的时候说:“我看完,哭了。”这篇文章在男生的班级里广为流传,同学们看完后,于朦朦胧胧中,对何谓“爱妈妈”、何谓责任、何谓男子汉有了更深刻的了解。我们刊发此文,只为让更多的同学看到这样一份我们同龄人应该有的担当、勇气和能量。  岷山之南,白龙江边,一场强降雨不期而至。8月7日24时左右,一股强大的泥石流如脱缰野马,嘶吼着冲进峡谷之中的县城,瞬间
这支笔细小轻盈,可以插进你的衣服口袋。当需要的时候,你可以用它来扫描任何你能看到的色彩,然后将它在你的稿纸上画出来!是的,它就是传说中的“取色笔”,但现在你已经可以买到它了。  这支笔配备有能调出1600万色的墨盒。基本上,你能分辨的颜色,它就能再现。而且它有可更换的笔尖,让你画出粗细不同的线条。当然,它也提供懒人模式:通过配套的APP,你能在一个类似PS的调色板中选择自己喜欢的颜色。然后,剩下的
北京时间2013年4月20日8时02分,许多生命在这一刻被悲伤定格。但当时钟重新开始走动时,被泪水洗过的脸上绽放出的是笑容,是坚守,是希望。让我们铭记 “4·20” 救灾过程中的点滴感动,让它们汇集成鼓舞我们前行的力量……  镜头1:妈妈,我不哭了,你也别哭  关键词:坚强  芦山县清仁乡芦溪村的11岁少年黄谋在地震中失去了左腿。完成截肢手术后,黄谋失声痛哭,可看到流泪的妈妈,他忍住眼泪和伤痛,反
“这就是我所发明的具有划时代意义的最新式电视机。跟这个比起来,以往的那些电视机全都成了过时的破烂货了。”F先生得意洋洋地向大家介绍着。  房间里挤满了参观的人,这当中有各个公司的经理和董事长,还有新闻记者等。其中有一个人问道:“看上去好像和普通的彩色电视机差不多,究竟它有什么优越性呀?”  “其优越性是显而易见的,它采用了电子技术、生理学、心理学、医学以及药物学等各种学科的最新成果,可以说是当代科
成长,是一天天的累积。我们经常感受不到时光的流逝,后知后觉地成长着。忽然有一天,某一个瞬间,某一件微小的事情,突然让我们意识到:原来,我们已经悄然长大。本期,就让我们来说一说那些让我们成长的瞬间吧!  苏军卓:有一天,妈妈给我看我刚出生不久时的照片,那时候的我比一本书大不了多少。再看看现在的自己,高高大大的我跟以前小小的我形成了鲜明的对比。我突然意识到,原来我早已不是那个能够继续在父母怀中撒娇的小
加 相传,某考官蓄意要让苏东坡出丑,便出了一个上联,来考苏东坡的学生:“宝塔尖尖,十层四方六面。”连问几个学生,都因难度较大对不出,只好伸出手,摇了两摇,低头不语。学生受窘,老师脸上自然无光。这个考官得意地望着苏东坡,苏东坡却哈哈一笑,说:“对得好!”考官不解。苏东坡说:“考试不便明言,恐有因袭之嫌,所以他们各以手势为对。下联是:玉手摇摇,五指两短三长。”考官羞愧得低下了头。  减 宋朝有个人,叫
一  颜欢曾是我最好的朋友,我们就像一对“姐妹花”一样。可是上初中后,我们却渐行渐远了。  颜欢爱笑、爱闹,有点“人来疯”,而我比较内向,不怎么爱说话。大家都很奇怪,性格迥异的我们是怎么成为好姐妹的,但只有我们自己知道,性格互补有时也很重要。  我们都是普通女孩,相貌普通,学业平常,可是就算再普通,我们也是独一无二的,我们也有梦想,也希望能够成为焦点,像个公主一样惹人瞩目。  升上初中,在个头长高
广西桂林有一位65岁的老爷爷李主权,他有一个特殊的爱好,喜欢“泡”在垃圾堆里,因而被人称为“破烂王”。这位“破烂王”可不简单,他捡破烂其实是为了满足自己的爱好——音乐。李爷爷对音乐十分痴迷,但是因为没钱买乐器,只能动手自己造。于是他一有空就去捡垃圾回来制造各种各样的乐器,或用破竹子制作成“竹琴”,或用油瓶子做成二胡……15年来,李爷爷已经造出了1 200多件大大小小的音乐神器,其中最让李爷爷得意的
爱美之心人皆有之,处于青春期的中学生更是期待有靓丽的外表和出众的气质。但是,大部分学校都会对学生的仪容仪表做出规定,这也是导致学生不满的原因之一。夕草来到对仪容仪表管理比较严格的南宁市第三十七中学,很意外的,这里的同学们对仪容仪表规范化管理的支持率达到90%以上。但是,他们也有很多要求要向学校提哦,让我们一起来看看吧!    关于发型那点事    夕草:咱们学校对发型的规定真是很严格的呢。烫发、染