On the Translation of Culture—loaded Words from the Perspective of Venuti’s Domestication and Foreig

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  【Abstract】In this era when cross-cultural communication is increasing, study on the translation of culture-loaded words becomes more significant. In Lu Xun’s novel Ah Q Zhengzhuan, there are many culture-loaded words. Among many English versions of Ah Q Zhengzhuan, the most well-received are the one of the couple Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys and the one of William Lyell. The former mainly adopts foreignization while the latter mainly adopts domestication. This paper attempts to make a comparative study on the translation of the culture-loaded words in the two English versions, aiming to prove that foreignization and domestication should supplement each other in translating culture-loaded words.
  【Key words】culture-loaded words; Ah Q Zhengzhuan; domestication; foreignization; comparative study
  1. Introduction
  The 21st century has witnessed the increasing frequency of the international exchange and cooperation, and as a bridge of the cross cultural communication, translation is playing an increasingly crucial role in our social life. As people attach more and more attention to the handling of the cultural factors in translation, the translation of the culture-loaded words and expressions is very important, which can improve and enhance the cross cultural communication in an effective way. In Lu Xun’s novel—Ah Q Zhengzhuan, there are a great many of culture-loaded words and expressions, which is a typical feature of his novel.
  2. Culture-loaded Words
  Known as culture vacancy or culture default, culture-loaded words are differently defined by different scholars from different perspectives. Nevertheless, they convey the identical meaning: culture-loaded words refer to some linguistic phenomena or cultural items existing in the SL but having no equivalences or corresponding expressions in the TL owing to differences in historical backgrounds, social customs, religious beliefs, etc.
  3. Venuti’s Theory of Foreignization and Domestication
  Foreignization, or foreianizing translation, means that the translators attach great importance to maintaining and protecting the language and cultural differences of the original text, reducing the strangeness to the target language readers, who will certainly feel the linguistic characteristics and the excellent cultural differences of the unique foreign culture(Venuti, 1995: 53). In contrast to foreignization, domestication means a translator’s loyalty to the target language by using the target-culture-oriented expressions in order to present idiomatic expressions to the target readers.   4. Comparative Study of the Translations in the Two Versions
  Example : 但真所谓“塞翁失马焉知非福”罢,阿Q不幸而赢了一回,他倒几乎失败了。(鲁迅, 1979:25)
  Yangs’ version: However, the truth of the proverb “Misfortune may prove a blessing in disguise” was shown when Ah Q was unfortunate enough to win and almost suffered defeat in the end. (Yang Hsien-yi
【摘要】在英语教学中,抓住词汇教学时英语素质教育的“重中之重”,是英语教学的基础。作者经过一段时间的高一英语教学工作后发现科学岛实验中学高一(5)、(6)两班学生的英语学习的困难点在于单词背诵。作者通过探究、有效的课堂设计提高学生对单词背诵的热情并及时帮助学生记忆,解决其单词背诵之苦。  【关键词】单词 背诵 减负增效  叶圣陶先生曾说:“教育就是培养习惯”,作为非母语国家的学生来讲,背诵不失为学
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Ⅰ.Introduction  Two disasters, the World WarⅠwhich ended in 1919 and the Great Depression began in 1929, distinguish the 1920s from the rest of the American history. These 10 years, called “the Roarin
【摘要】以读促写可以提高学生的写作能力,该种教学方法在提升高中学生英语写作水平及其综合能力,效果非常的显著。本文对如何通过以读促写来引导学生探索提高个人写作能力的方法,掌握正确、有效的写作途径,谈一下自己的观点和认识,仅供参考。  【关键词】高中英语 以读促写 教学效率 研究  写作能力是高中生英语综合素质的体现,目前高中学生英语写作能力普遍较差,除因学生缺乏写作兴趣、恐惧心理外,部分老师还将阅读
【摘要】为顺应时代与市场的需求,翻译专业在全国各大高校迅速崛起,而目前国内相关领域对理工高校口译的研究还远远不足。本文特别对武汉理工类高校口译专业人才培养现状进行调查分析,旨在为理工高校发挥其特有的口译人才培养优势,有针对性的为国家,特别是武汉本地化口译项目输出高质量的口译人才做出参考。  【关键词】理工类高校 本科口译 课堂  一、引言  随着改革开放的日益深入,中国与世界的联系日益紧密,各行各
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